Hand's off my Mistress

Start from the beginning

"Jaclyn why are you so stubborn?" Asked James. "Why do you always have to act like father?"

"What! Since when have I acted like father?" Asked Jaclyn in surprise. 

"Oh you want an example?" Asked James as he walked over to my lady. "Well one, your drunk as hell tonight aren't you?" He asked as he so boldly dared to push my mistress down. 

"I may have had a drink." She admitted through her tears. "But that's only because your words hurt me more than anything."

"Oh great here we go again!" Said James in his high and mighty voice. "You don't want to take responsibility for your own damn stupid actions do you? Well no wonder you always got into trouble with father!" He said looking down at her as she looked up at him looking rather vulnerable. 

"What do you mean?" She asked through her tears. 

"Father always yelled and hit you, and I never knew why. So I just felt bad for you." Said James in an angry sounding voice. "It's because you were always speaking out! You never knew when to keep your mouth shut did you? Well you know what I'm sick of it!" Shouted James as he raised his hand again, well this is the last straw I won't have him striking my mistress again! I decided to jump through the window with gusto, with my death scythe in hand. I jumped in between them, when I did so he fell to the floor leaving my mistress in awe. 

"I'd advise you to keep your hands off my mistress." I said as I glared at James. "I will give you two options: Either kindly take your things and find elsewhere to sleep, or refrain from upsetting my lady. The choice is yours, if you do not like these options then I will make a third option you won't like." I said as I revved my death scythe. 

"Grell I......" Said James as he looked at me in shock at my display of defense of my lady. He then stood to his feet and regained his composer. "Right, I'm sorry. I should know better than to talk down to someone in their own home. Especially after they went through the trouble of throwing me a welcome party. Forgive me then Jaclyn, I'll be going to bed now. Goodnight." He said before leaving the room. 

"Are you alright my lady?" I asked as I knelt beside Jaclyn. "I came to protect you, because I love you." I said as I held my mistress, who then began to weep. 

"Thank you Grell." She said as she held me tightly. "Your the best." She said as I picked her up as if she were my bride. 

"Come now Jaclyn, it's time for bed." I said as I carried her to her bed room. "Would you like for me to stay in your room tonight?"

"Yes Grell, I'd appreciate it if you did." She said as I undressed her and put her in the night clothes she rarely wore. "Grell can I ask something?"

"You may ask anything my lady." I said as I tucked her into bed. "What would you like to ask?"

"Am I... Am.... Am I likable?" She asked looking me in the eye. "Cause I don't have a lot of friends."

"I assure you my lady you are very likable." I said as I ran my finger's through her night black hair. "You just don't surround yourself with people who appreciate you." I said as I kissed her lips. 

"Shouldn't I be surrounded by people I actually like?" Asked my lady looking rather cute, with the moon light glistening in her eyes. 

"Yes but there's more to it than just that." I said as I giggled at how childish my lady sounded, hmm maybe it's the wine talking. "From what I learned from being with you, I've learned it's better to be around people who like you rather than people you actually like. You will learn to like the people who like you because you won't be able to help but like them back for all the kindness and favour they show towards you." I told her as I held her face in my hands. 

"Is that how you feel about me now?" Asked my lady love. "I think I've always loved you Grell, I don't know why though. Maybe it's cause you actually liked what I did, what I do for a living." 

"Well I fell in love with you later on." I admitted as Jaclyn looked a little sadden. "Mainly because I thought all I wanted in a woman was carnage and blood. But then I realized I wanted more than that and you showed me what I wanted and needed. So all my emotions were conflicted so I wasn't sure if it was love or strong feeling of like." 

"But your in love with me now right?" She asked as jumped up to look me in the eye. "You love me now right? That's why you stood up for me right?" She asked as she buried her face in my chest. "You never want to leave my side right?" 

"I want to be by your side always." I said as I laid down on the bed with my mistress close to my chest, and close to my heart. "I never will and never will want to leave your side. This much I promise to you my lady." I said as she drifted off into slumber, all the while I ran my fingers through her hair. I could feel her breathing in and out, it was so soothing. Her warm body cuddled up against my own, smelling the sweet scent of black roses in her hair. That's what she was, a black rose with an effervescent scent. Being in her presence was so soothing I couldn't help but succumb to slumber as well, until my lady woke me in a panic. 

"Oh my god Grell wake up!" She cried as she pressed her hands to my chest. "Grell please wake up! Please don't be dead!"

"Huh! Jaclyn calm down!" I said as I sat up, while Jaclyn moved away rather surprised. "What's the matter? Why would I be dead?"

"You weren't breathing!" She said through tears as she wrapped her arms around me. "I was scared that you were dead and that you left me all alone!"

"Oh dear please do forgive me Jaclyn." I said as I held her face in my hands. "I should have told you I occasionally stop breathing while I sleep. It's nothing life threatening just something that happens every now and then." I told her as she stared at me, she then tackled me down with a a big ferocious hug. I was then pelted with her soft gentle kisses, I assured her that I was fine. But she was just so relieved that I was alive that she...... Uhhh this part is private. Well dear reader I'd rather not share with you my bed story's. For I am a gentlemen and my love is a lady. Goodnight everybody!  


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