chapter 3

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"Let's go," Chaz said while moving towards his car with the keys in his hand. I hopped inside the car. Chaz got in and turned on the music and we drove away from school. Titanium by David Guetta ft Sia was playing and I was singing along.

"So how was your stay at your aunt's home?" I asked looking at him.

"It was good. She turned fifty this year and still looks thirty," he said giving me a wink and I smiled.

"And you got another surprise today in the form of your best friend."

"Surprise indeed," he said nodding his head and looking at the road.

"You are happy right?" I asked narrowing my eyes. On hearing this he turned to look at me.

"What do you mean?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Umm... it's nothing. I just asked," I said while shrugging my shoulders.

"Of course I'm happy. He is my best friend... like you said." I just nodded.

"Do you think Aaron and Irelene will get back together?" On hearing this, his head jerked in my direction.

"Why would you say that?"

"I don't know I just felt like he wants to get back together." I looked at him and he was staring at me with, angry eyes? I dropped my eyes and quickly added, "Or maybe I'm just imagining things." He didn't reply after that. The rest of the ride home was silent. He dropped me at my home. I bade him goodbye and went inside.

"Mom, I'm home," I said loud enough for my mother to hear, who was in the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie. Go freshen up and come back down and eat something."

I quickly went to my room, took a quick bath and put on my favorite black tank top and blue pajamas. I decided to call Jen first.

"Hello?" Her voice sounded a bit grumpy.

"Hey Jen. How are you?" I enquired.


"Aww hon, you are going to be fine by the morning."

"Yeah hope so. So how was school today? Miss me?"

"Of course I missed you. Sam missed you too." I knew she must be blushing. Even though they are dating she still blushes whenever we tease her about him. "And guess what? Aaron is back."

"Really? Our Aaron?" she said with surprise clear in her voice.

"Yeah. We all were surprised to see him but it felt good to have him back."

"How does he look? Still the same or has he changed?"

"He is hot. Hotter than before," I said emphasizing on the word 'hot' and she chuckled.

"What about Irelene? What did she say to him? Did she know?"

"Umm... No, she didn't know. She was clearly surprised. They talked but not much. However, I felt Aaron was more excited to see her than Irelene was to see him."

"What do you mean?" she asked sounding curious. I told her the whole story including the looks between Chaz and Irelene. She pondered for a while then said, "I think it is nothing. You are imagining things or I've even better theory."

"Which is?"

"You stare way too much at him." I laughed at her words. Maybe I was over imagining things.

"May be you are right. Now, you should take rest and get well soon. We miss you. Your Indian boy misses you. I will go and eat something. I'm hungry. Take care, Jen. Bye."


I had already finished my homework and was sitting with mom at the couch in the living room. Kris had gone out with friends and dad was still at his office. "Hey mom, you know Aaron is back."

"Aaron Black?" She asked with wide eyes.

"Yes. He came to school today. We were all surprised."

"When did they return?" My mom asked playing with her nails.

"Two days ago. Only Aaron and his dad are back. He said it was last minute so his mom and sisters will be back soon."

"Oh okay. How is he?"

"Good." At that moment Kris entered.

"Hey," Kris nodded towards mom and me and walked towards the stairs. He stopped at the second step and turned back. "Kayla I think I saw Aaron and his dad."

"Yes Aaron is back. Where did you see them?"

"Just around the corner. I think they are looking for a house in our neighborhood," he said and continued walking up the stairs. After sometime my phone rang. It was from an unknown caller.


"Kayla?" The voice from the other side asked.


"Yes. Glad you recognized," he said with a smile evident in his voice.

"Of course I did. So what's up?"

"I'm in your neighborhood. Care to join me in the park? If it is okay with you."

"Yeah I'll be there and since when did you start being formal with me? You can ask me anything." He muttered a little sorry and then added, "Now come quickly. Dad is looking at houses and I'm bored," he said in a tired voice. I chuckled.

"I will be there shortly." I went to my room and changed into jeans.

"Mom I'm going to the park to meet Aaron. See you later," and with that I was out of the door.


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