"you too watch these type of programs?" amma asked, curious to know as she is a big fan of carnatic music.
" yes aunty, it's really soothing and soulful. It also calms down and brings peace to my heart." he said as he starts tapping his thigh.
My mom looks at him in awe. With that, I know for sure that I am in for another night long argument with her.
He mingled well with my mom. They went inside the kitchen to cook dinner. I thought he will ruin our mood asking about our past life in Coimbatore. But , he didn't . So I am thankful for that. He left after having dinner.
After that, I went inside my room to change into my nightgown.
" kuttima, I think he's also a good boy. From the way he speaks, I could see he likes you . That's why he's trying to impress me. What will you do if he says he likes you?" She asked.
" amma, adhu nadakum podhu parkalam( mom, we will see when it happens)"
I laid down on my side of the bed before she starts her tantrums. Seriously, my mom thinks everyone likes me.

Udhay's POV:

I got engrossed with my work in order to avoid thinking about Narmada. I went to my house late after Rekha slept .
I peeked into her room to see her sleeping peacefully. I switched off the lights and walked into my room. I got changed into my track pants and tshirt. I lay on the bed trying to sleep. My mind drifts to what I saw earlier today.
I left the house after Rekha told me She knew about my love failure.
When I entered the cafeteria , I saw Narmada with a guy . They're talking casually as if they've known eachother for long.
Once we are far away from them, Hari said " see, she already got another one. I will go and ask her whether she will atleast keep him or not." I immediately grabbed his shirt collar, " just because she refused my proposal , it doesn't mean you can speak ill about her. She never loved me. It's not her fault that I fall for her. He might be her friend . Whatever it is, it doesn't bother you. So, shut up. Don't you dare to utter a word" I whisper yelled and let his collar.
She looked at me nervously and tried to walk away. She might've thought Hari will create a scene. Hari just glared at her and went past her.
" I am sorry , Udhay. I didn't say it intentionally. It's just I got angry seeing her with someone other than you. It just slipped out. Sorry da."
After Hari repeated this sentence for more than an hour, I got convinced and apologized for my behaviour.
I have never seen her talking with a guy before . I have been seeing her for two years since she joined,that finance company. What if he's her lover who resides in other city for his job. He is tall , handsome and also looks like well educated. Perfect for her unlike me.
I couldn't sleep even a bit . Everytime I closed my eyes, she is all I see.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally managed to sleep around 4 am.

I woke up startled by a sudden knock at my door and Rekha stepped in as soon as I opened the door.
" anna, did I wake you?" Rekha asked.

"What no, yes, well I wasn't feeling well so I slept a little longer." I lied as I don't want her to be suspicious.

"Oh, ok, then take rest. I just want to inform that Hari and me are going to go hit the mall. Also I won't be home until dinner," Rekha said. She's going shopping that too with Hari even after I said I am unwell. Strange.

"I also know you're lying . That's why I am leaving you alone.So, take rest and sleep well. You need to rest else you will fall ill really. Hari will manage the office today." Rekha answered as she walked away with her handbag.
I looks at the clock . It read 9:30 am. Groggily, I walked to the bed and again dozed off.

Rekha's POV:

" so, where are we going?" Hari asked as he started the car.
" office. I want to see that girl who rejected my brother." I replied nonchalantly. He just shook his head.
" hey, what's her name?" I enquire while looking at the window. Too many buildings . My city has changed a lot all these years.
" Narmada " Hari replied in a duh tone. That name brings back memories of my college best friend. Soon , We reached anna's office building. I anxiously waited in the car itself for her to show up. While waiting, I saw a girl walking inside and shocked to the core. It's indeed my friend, Narmada. I can't believe this. It's really her. I found her.
I got down and ran towards her.
" Narmada!" I exclaim loudly , earning looks from people around us.
She turned and equally shocked to see me.
" Rekha, is it really you? Oh my god! How come you are here? " I place my hand over her mouth cutting off her arrows of questions.
" you got to explain a lot of things. I am still mad at you for leaving me without any message." I said icily , pulling her away from there.
" please, Rekha. My situation was like that. Listen, we can talk about this freely in the evening. Now, I got to go for work." She said and left me after giving me her number.

I called the number she give me. Her mobile rings. " just checking" I said as she went inside the building with a sly smile.

Hari tapped my shoulder and asked " I thought you're going to hit or humiliate her . But you're embracing her. Since you don't know, I will tell you . She's the one who broke Udhay's heart?" shocking me further.

What? She's the one. That's Wow!
" let's go to an icecream parlour. My treat" I said while he scratched his head.

" marriage? Are you out of your mind? She rejected him. You're crazy. She will not agree just because you're her friend." Hari screeched in his child like voice causing a few to turn towards our table.
" for him, I will do anything and go to any extent. Since it's my Narmada, I will go to any level ." I replied and slurp melting vanilla icecream with choco chips. He muttered " that's impossible." and fiercely stuffed the scoop of icecream with spoon.
" just wait and see, how I make impossible , possible. She will be my anni (bhabhi/ sister in law)." I smirked while having another bite.

Third person's POV:

" are you sure, Shiva? " my friend Prasanth asked for the hundredth time.
" yes, I am. Now leave. " Shiva send him out . After closing the door, he called someone in Skype .
" hey Shiva, you went to meet your grandma and still haven't returned. When are you coming back?"
" it will take a while. I finally met a girl with whom I can spend rest of my life. I will come after marrying her. " He replied. After talking for some more time, he ended the call.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Puzlal jail,
" Akka, are you sure that guy won't double cross us?" a man behind jail bars asked a woman.
" no, he won't. I checked his background. He's basically poor. He agrees to do this for money. So, Shiva, don't worry. Narmada will be yours to avenge and everything will be ours." that woman assured him.

Hi all,
I hope this chapter doesn't confuse you.
If you do get confused, do let me know. I will explain.
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