The Truth Hurt's

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Ok I was reading this book called Cheater by miniMina. I think it a good book and you guys should read it.


Chapter 17~ The Truth Hurt’s

Bubble point of view~

“I never thought of how I would die.

I never even knew I would die this early.

I thought I would live long enough to make everyone pay.

However, I guess God has other plans for me.

Will I don’t believe I will be going to heaven.

I think it time for me to go to hell.

I wish I could stick around longer.

Please take care of my daughter.”

Bubble wake up.

“Who there?” I said opening my eyes.

            Ok now where am I. All I remember is red smoke. I am really getting tired of waking up and not knowing where I am. I look around to see that I am in the woods. Oh great and I still cannot feel Moon. Why is this happening to me? I get off the ground. It very cold out here. I do not know where I am but I know there have to be a city. Ok let us go toward the wind.  I started walking the way the wind is blowing. While I am walking there one thing going through my mind.

            Whom did I hear calling my name. They told me to wake up. When I did wake up nobody was there. My life does not even seem to be normal. I think my life is turning abnormal. I wish my life would go back to normal. To when I would cry at night alone. When my father kept his mate a secret. I wish my life was like that again.

            Why do bad things happen to good people? Because you are not a good person, my mind yelled. I never did one thing bad. I was always good. I listen to people and took care of my dad. You also blocked people out. You never let anyone get close to you. You also talk about them behind their back. You never liked the people around you and you know that my mind said. Even so, I still tried to let them. I tried to stop and I even took care of a few of my friends.

            You and I both know you did that so they would owe you. You never really cared about them. You are a cold-hearted person. You will never be nothing more. You known that since the day you find out you where adopted. I know that. I wish it was not true but I know who I am. I should not try to be something am not. Yet I feel like I should try. It these human emotion coming from this body. That I cannot get reed of my emotion. Anything that is living has emotion. It is not just a human thing. Do not forget you once thought you were human. You will never be able to block you emotion. Face it you are just like humans. Weak and pathetic. You do not know what you want. Shut up my stupid mind.


            I jumped ten feet in the air. Was that a scream? What going on? Will we don’t know let go check it out. I did as my mind said and went the way the scream came from. Will let me change that I ran the way the scream came from. I do not know how long I ran but when I came to a stop in a clearing, I was breathing hard. Once I got my breath back, I looked around to see a women, men, and baby.

            The woman had long black hair and was very pale. The man had short brown curly hair. The baby had black hair. That all I was able to see from where I was standing. From the look of it the women is about to die. It made me sad in the inside.

“I don’t think am going to make it.

Please take care of our daughter.

She the only thing I am pride of.

When I am reborn, we will look for her.

Give her to a nice family.

Tell them her name is Bubbles.

Make them think she a blue wolf.

Give her that power.

When I return we will find wonderland.” The women said.

            With out knowing it I walked over to the women, men, and baby. Once I was standing behind the men. What I saw shocked me. The women looked just like me. I was looking at my spinning version. This woman could be my twin. I could not help but to fall to the ground.

“I will take care of her.

Do not worry I will give her to a good family.

At least until you are reborn.

Rest in peace my love.” The men said smiling at the women.

“Thank you Jack.” The women said.

            I watch the women close her eyes. Then stop breathing. I look to the man to see what he was going to do.

“Red.” The men yelled.

            My dad came out of the woods and walked over to the men. He got on his knees and bowed to the men. Ok I knew my eyes were wide. I think I could die right about now.

“Yes my king what is it?” My dad asked

“Take my daughter. I no We want you to take care of her until it time for her to come home. That not until I find her husband and her mother is reborn. Do you understand? I do not want you to tell her anything. We her parent will be the one to tell her.” The men said smiling down at the baby.

“Yes my king I understand. What is her name?” Dad asked with a smile.

“Her name is Bubble for now. When she returns to us you find out her real name.” The men said handing the baby over to dad.

“I understand.”  Dad said to the King.

“Good now get out of my face before I kill you.” The men said looking at the women that just die.

            I watch my father get up and leave. The king is my father. The man that is my dad is not my dad. Wow when they say the truth hurt’s they mean it hurt. My father is the king? Now I think my heart has finally frozen over. I think I can no longer live as the Bubble everyone knows. I think I am about to become something unthinkable. I close my eyes and wish myself to wake up.


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