Finished, I looked at the mirror. The tank top was very short. It ends above my belly button and my shorts showed almost all of my short pale legs. I don't even know why I brought this along and why Aunt Lauren would pick this to give it to me. But it is all I have right now.

I looked at the mirror again. I looked paler than usual. Probably from the lost of blood or the fear from my nightmare. Zombies, werewolves, and my dead mother in ghost form. I mean, who wouldn't be scared by that?

I gathered my short strawberry blond hair and put it in a high ponytail except some of my long bangs. Letting it frame my small face, hugging on to me. It was messy but I don't have a brush or the will to fix it. I don't really feel comfortable with these clothes. It's to reveling. And soon I'll me going to my dorm with Liz and Derek inside. Derek...

I blushed a deep cherry-looking red. Never has a guy saw me with so little clothing. Not even my dad. It was always my mother that changed me when I was a baby. Never my dad. My mother won't let him and even now I'm not comfortable with him seeing me with little clothing. At least it shows my little curves.

With one last look at the mirror, I put on my fluffy slippers, grabbed my other stuff, and left the infirmary’s bathroom. I headed toward my dorm room, careful that no one saw me in my PJ's. I reached my room and peeped in.

Liz was on the couch, watching TV with Derek. I gulped. Okay, here it goes. I cracked the door further, careful not to show my body.

“Hey, Liz! Derek. I'm sorry I'm late, but-”

Derek hold up his hand stopping me from carrying on. And then he did the rarest thing I ever seen, he smiled and at me. “It's OK, Chloe. I know about your injury. Remember, I was there. We don't blame you at all.”

I nodded. Liz, on the other hand, glared at me. She stood up with her arms crossed. “Where were you? I waited all night! How could you? Do you know how long it took to get that food out of my hair? Forever! Did you sleep with someone again? You probably did, didn't you? You know what? We are through! I never want to see again!” she yelled storming of out to the balcony.

Yup, that loopy gas still made her loco. Derek and I just stared at the balcony doors as they slammed shut. I am still too scared to go to the balcony. One, cause of the wolf. Two, Derek will see me in my PJ's. But either way he's gonna see me in them anyway and since I am gonna be here for two years in the same room, I'm gonna have to face the balcony again. Right?

He patted the space next to him and said, “Come and sit down with me, Chloe.” He was still smiling at me and waited. Expecting I'll go sit down with him immediately.

I shook my head. “I can't. I have to go check on Liz. Make sure she doesn't attempt suicide because of our breakup.”

He laughed and nodded. Quickly, I stepped inside and locked the door. Behind me, I could feel Derek's gaze. I quickly turned around facing him, blushing a light red.

He was staring at me with one eyebrow raised in a questioning gaze. Again I blushed. This time a more darker red.

“Stop looking!” I practically yelled. I rushed toward my closet. “Aunt Lauren picked it out and it's the only thing that I had. It's not like I picked this out of my own free will.” I explained avoiding his gaze and putting my dirty clothes in the hamper and my shoes by it.

“Mhmm...” was all he said. It was so simple and yet that one sound was the thing that got my face bright red, glaring down at him.

“I'm telling the truth!” I yelled at him following Liz's example to the balcony and slamming the doors behind me. The cold dark night engulfed me up, and it took me some seconds to get my vision back. Liz was at the far end of the balcony, peering down.

“Liz? Are you okay?”

She turned around, facing me. She was covered in tears and...blood.

I blinked and rubbed my eyes and look back at her. The blood is gone.

I was hallucinating. Just hallucinating.

I slowly walked up to her. “What's wrong, Liz?” I asked her placing my hand on her shoulder. She just closed her eyes and shook her head.

“I can't take it, Chloe! I think I-I'm seeing stuff. I'm going insane. Just now I think I actually made things fly around. I think it's because of my anger. Chloe, please help me fix my problems.” She whispered.

“H-ho-how can I h-help?”

She grabbed my shoulders and pull me close with a serious look in her eyes. “Listen carefully, Chloe. First, I want you to help me up the edge of the balcony. Second, once you help me, go to Derek or the nurse or your aunt-”

How does she knows I have an aunt and that she's here?

“-or anyone. Third, and finally, I want you to kill the wolf.”

Lyle High School (Darkest Powers fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin