escape the tentacles

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Through the miniature slits of the floor above we squinted, searching for placement of Han and the Death Gang. Our ears worked for us, told us that three containment doors had been breached, leaving access to the hallway. By the synchronized footsteps of the Death Gang, they prepped for battle, not negotiation.

"Han Solo!" shouted the leader, his voice thick with an accent. "You're a dead man!"

"Bala-Tik!" said Han with fake joy. "What's the problem?"

"The problem is we loaned you fifty thousand for this job."

Rey nudged her shoulder into Finn. "Can you see them?"

"No," whispered back Finn. He asked if I was able to see them.

I stayed silent to intently listen. One hint of physical aggressiveness from a member of the Death Gang was what I deemed necessary for an entrance by me. If granted the chance, I was prepared to steal a ship from the hanger and save my droid. I entirely believed betrayal was a fair play, if it meant honoring Poe and in turn, saving the galaxy.

"And you also borrowed fifty thousand from 'klub," continued Bala-Tik.

Han scoffed. "You know you can't trust those little freaks."

"They have blasters," whispered Rey.

"A lot of them," said Finn.

"Scared?" I asked.

Finn gulped and shook his head. "Just an observation."

"...I never made a deal with Kanjiklub!" yelled Han.

"Tell that to Kanjiklub!" dared Bala-Tik. On his cue, three doors on the opposite side of the hallway were breached.

Finn and Rey crawled past to peer through the cracks on Kanjiklub's side of the hall. Rey took a moment to count how many men. In my direction, she flashed six fingers in the air.

Faking a joyful tone again, Han said, "Good to see you!" to Kanjiklub.

The leader of Kanjiklub was notorious for speaking only in his alien language, known to Han, but unknown to me. What I did know, is that no matter what the legend of Han Solo and Chewbacca said, being outnumbered lowered their current chances of protecting my droid.

"Boys, you're both going to get what I promised," said Han. "Have I ever not delivered for you before?"

"Yes," chorused the leaders of the Gangs.

Han frowned at Bala-Tik. "What was the second time?"

It didn't take a genius to realize Han hadn't negotiated well enough to postpone his apparent debt paying. Soon, he was going to be in need of either a distraction, or potential savior. I crawled to the faux floorboard, adjusting my hands on the latches.

"That BB unit," called Bala-Tik. Those simple three words caused my heart to drop. "The First Order's looking for one just like it. And three fugitives."

"First I've heard of it," said Han.

"If we close the blast doors in that corner, we can trap both gangs," whispered Rey.

"How will you close the blast doors from here?" asked Finn.

"Resetting the fuses should do it," said Rey.

"What are you waiting for?" I muttered, flicking my eyes to the corner she pointed. "Get going."

Rey hurriedly crawled to her position. Finn and I watched her fumble with the colored wires. Quick agitation resulted in Rey tugging on a single wire at a force that broke the system from the wall. As a result, a closely located roar caught the attention of all the inhabitants of the hallway.

I wasn't the only one who knew the exact monster Rey set free. In a state of panic, both gangs shouted orders to kill Han and Chewbacca. I stayed still, until Bala-Tik uttered, "--take the droid!"

I punched through the floorboard. Hopping to floor level, I kicked Bala-Tik in the chest, then shooed BB-8 into a fast roll, running alongside him. Han and Chewbacca covered our backs.

I led us on the path back to the hanger. With a Rathtar on the loose, we stood no chance in regaining control of the freighter. Skidding around a corner, I was hit in the chest with a weapon. I tumbled back, Chewbacca caught me in his arms. He launched me to my feet, I punched the Gang member in the face, and we were on our way to the hanger once more.

At the door, Han tossed his blaster into my hands. He went to work on opening the hanger door. BB-8 hid between the door and Han's legs. Chewbacca and I laid cover fire on the approaching attackers.

One by one, gang members who approached within my approved distance were blasted. I covered my side well. The same could have been uttered for Chewbacca, until he stole a second to divert his attention to Han, and a member of Kanjiklub shot the Wookie's shoulder with an accurate blast. I took the attacker out.

"You okay?" asked Han, dragging Chewbacca into cover. He took the crossbow from him, then fired at an incoming alien. Brow raised, he overlooked the crossbow. "Wow."

Chewbacca successfully opened the hanger door. Han, BB-8 and I ducked underneath. While jogging to the Falcon, Rey and Finn caught up with us.

Han pointed at Finn. "Kid, you take care of Chewie," he ordered, then his finger aimed at Rey. "Close the door behind us."

I shuffled BB-8 on board the Falcon. Rey and Han sprinted past to the cockpit. Finn helped Chewbacca to sit on the couch. He fumbled through the cabinets and miscellaneous drawers for any medical supplies. All the while, Chewbacca howled in pain.

"Han!" I yelled. "Where is the--"

"Hang on back there!" shouted Rey.

I felt the ship rumble; the engine readying for take off. No time passed before Rey and Han activated the hyperdrive. Into space we flew, and the abrupt force whipped my body back. One vicious hit of my head to the wall meant I was lost to the galaxy, at least, for a little while.

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