Chapter 23

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New cover art by the Lovely LisaSteiner_PTX on Twitter. I adore Mitch's tail! Don't you. :)

While the shower reached the right temperature, I supported Mitch who rested his head on my shoulder.  I stroked his forehead and his arm slipped around my waist.  His small noise of discomfort made me want to tend him very gently.  So when we were in the steaming shower, I was the one washing Mitch extremely carefully.  I caressed his skin lightly even where there was no reason to be gentle, I lovingly washed him and gently took care of the places I'd marked him with my fingers and my mouth.  When he was completely clean, he was also completely ready to explode.  My touch had brought him full circle to the tipping point again.  And he wasn't quiet about it at all.

His moans echoed in the small room, the steam and heat muffled his voice somewhat but I didn't care how loud he was.  It was the very thing to reassure me that he was still OK and that he was completely into what was happening at that moment.

"S-s-s-s-s-s-ssssssssssssssssss Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh." Mitch shouted as he felt the pressure valve pop off and go flying. 

Just as well that I was there to catch him. 


When I'd carefully dried his limp form, I picked him up and carried him back to the bed we'd finally begun sharing.  I tucked him under the fresh, crisp sheets and then placed more water next to his side of the bed.  My own glass had been refilled a couple of times as I downed the clear liquid that meant the difference between life and death.  It was amazing to me that we both needed that clear, simple molecule to sustain us and yet one of us walked on land and the other lived under the ocean.

I slipped in beside Mitch and carefully lay alongside of him as I listened to him breathe.  His breaths sounded light and soft in the darkened room and I lay there in amazement at the trust and love that shone from his face when we were making love.  How could he have given himself to me so completely if he intended on returning to the ocean?

Perhaps there was a chance we could have forever after all.

I sighed as I contemplated the perfect life I could live with Mitch by my side.  The days by the water, nights in our king sized bed, working and living the life we desired.  It would be wonderful if it became reality.  I lay awake for some time, my mind whirring with possibilities as I imagined our lives together.  What Mitch could do with his knowledge of the ocean, what his influence could mean if we could get the Government to stop polluting the very ocean that sustained us.  It might have been a pie in the sky dream, but it was wonderful.  I smiled and rubbed my stomach before stretching. 

My fingers scratched something that didn't feel like skin when I rubbed the inside of my thigh.  It had been bothering me ever since I'd lain down, but I hadn't looked down before.

Lying in my hand was what appeared to be a scale.  It wasn't a fish scale, it was one of Mitch's tail scales, only it wasn't blue.  It was red.  

Was it because we'd been intimate?  Were his scales changing colour?  Was it blood that had changed his blue scale to red?  I was about to freak out and turn on the bedside light when I remembered that I had been very careful and gentle with him when I'd cleaned up after our consummation and there had been no indication I'd been rough enough to tear him.  If not blood then what?

The worry was pushed from my mind as Mitch rolled over and put his arm across my stomach then as he felt me there murmured my name softly and put his head on my chest, pulling me in close and breathing sweetly into my neck.

I pulled him in closer and closed my eyes as I drifted off to sleep with his cute little purr-like snores in my ear.  Oh I could definitely do this forever.

A Merman's TailOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora