We continued to walk around the garden in silence. It was really hard not to make things awkward between us. Suddenly, Phillipe asked me a question.

"So Brieanna, I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to dinner tonight."

I was taken back from that question. Oh man, what do I say, what do I say!

"Umm... Phillipe, I would love to, but I'm not feeling so good today. Is it ok, if we have dinner maybe tomorrow... or the next day?"

Phillipe lowered his head and sighed, knowing he would be disappointed. After I said that, I was starting to regret it. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I was just not ready to go out with him. I mean, we can hang out as friends, but I just didn't feel it today.

"I hope you're not mad at me. I just don't feel like it today... maybe later," I asked.

Phillipe sadly smiled at me and said to me, "I am not mad at you Brieanna. I shouldn't be so forward to you so quickly." I sighed before he asked, "Shall we go inside?"

I agreed and we walked back inside the mansion. As we went our separate ways, I found Christine and Raoul in the music room. I was smiling when I saw they were talking to each other and holding hands. I knocked on the door softly to get their attention. When they saw it was me, they immediately let go of their hands and stood up.

"So... what are you two doing," I asked with a sly smile on my face.

Christine looked down with a slight blush on her pink cheeks. Raoul smiled at me as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'll just go upstairs and get ready for supper," said Christine.

Before she exited the room, she walked over to me and smiled. She left me and Raoul alone in the music room.

"So how was your time with Phillipe?"

I looked up at Raoul in shock before answering, "Oh... it was good."

Raoul looked at me with a curious look. "Just good? That's it?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I thought since you two were out for so long-"

Ok, now I'm confused. "Raoul, what are you trying to say?"

Raoul slightly smiled at me as he said, "Well, I assumed you both would be spending more time together."

I sighed as I shook my head. I headed to the piano as I said, "I already talked to Phillipe, and we are in no way, involved with one another."

"I beg your pardon," I heard Raoul say.

I lightly touched the piano keys as I said, "I don't feel like going out with him. I postponed it to maybe later."

Raoul walked up to the piano and looked down at me. "Brieanna, Phillipe will be here for a few days! He's leaving to go back to London!"

My eyes widen with shock. This was news to me. I slowly stood up from the piano stool and said, "I didn't know that."

"Well, you should have! He's my brother and I believe you hurt him," he said disapprovingly.

"Raoul, I didn't-"

"You need to grow up Brieanna. Otherwise you won't meet anyone and you'll be alone!" My eyes widen with disbelieve. Ouch, I can't believe he said that. Even my own time, I couldn't have time to go out and have a boyfriend. I felt like a loser, but I keep telling myself that the right guy will come and I need to be patient. However, when Raoul said that, it really stabbed me in the heart for some reason. My eyes started to water up. Raoul's mouth opened up and his eyes widen when he realized what he has said to me. "Oh Brieanna... Brie..."


Raoul touched his red check before he turned back to me. I am really pissed off now.

"How could you say that," I screamed.

He shook his head and walked closer to me. "Brie, I didn't mean..."

I took a step back away from him. "Don't touch me! Just leave me alone!"

Before Raoul could say or do anything, I picked up the hem of my dress and I ran out of the room. I ran pass Christine as she walked down the stairs and passed Phillipe who was in the library. I wanted to be alone and get away from the mansion. I knew the only place I could be alone is at the creek. I ran to the stables, got on my horse Scarlet and galloped away to the creek, not knowing Christine, Phillipe, and Raoul were running out the mansion door to see me gallop away.

There you have it! No Erik in this chapter, sorry. However, I hope you still like it.  Don't forget to vote, review and until next time...


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