King of Hearts Ch. 17

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Jack woke up a couple of hours after the Royals had left. He shifted his position to make me lean on him and I did. He was warm like a pillow you've slept on all night and it was nice to my sore muscles. We stayed quiet as the morning light filled the room with a soft glow. I was about to doze off myself when he started to speak.

"I found out that you don't have the Royal Plague," He said calmly and I heaved a sigh of relief.

"How did you find out?" I questioned playing with his one of his hands and the other poked me lightly in the stomach.

"Listen! I had to go to another continent for you," He said pretending to be angry and I scoffed at him.

"Right and you saved the world. How do you know that I don't have the plague?" I asked and he buried his face in my hair.

"Well...I went to go ask a couple of people who were experts on it and they told me you didn't have it," He answered and I sighed again.

"Works for me," I replied and we grew quiet again. The thing was that I didn't really mind having the plague. Death wasn't really a problem for me. It seemed more like a calm sea than a stormy sky. Then again being adopted wasn't exactly easy.

"Did you know that I was adopted?" I asked as the idea popped in my mind and he shook his head, his arms wrapping tightly around me.

"How did that happen?" He asked sleepily. I guess he was still tired from yesterday.

"My mom and dad died. My grandparents on both sides were already dead from either diabetes, heart attacks, or they just got old. So I don't have anybody left," I mused thoughtfully and his hand pulled my head back.

"Nobody, huh?" He said meeting my eyes and I smiled sheepishly.

"Well not in my blood related family," I corrected and he let my chin go.

"Was foster care bad or did you get adopted?" He questioned and I laughed quietly to myself.

"I was in foster care for two or three years...they were pretty bad. I wasn't much of a talker so I stayed away from the other kids. That went away over the years but when you're seven and you have no idea what happened to your family you end up not getting too far," I started and he started playing with my hair.

"What did happen to your family?" He questioned and I shrugged.

"I never found out. I mean I did look. With a couple of private investigators and everything but I never found out. Plus after both of the investigators got killed I thought it was better not to know," I responded and he stopped moving.

"What do you mean killed?" His voice was level but I could tell that there was vehemence in his tone and it wasn't towards me.

"Oh...well a few days after I hired them they found something and then they got killed by a car wreck and a loose gun. It was pretty creepy so I decided that I just didn't want to know," I shrugged and he picked me up and turned me around to face him.

"And you just left it?" He said and I fidgeted. It was true that I was in a huge dilemma about the entire affair but I didn't go chasing ghosts when they could kill you.

"Yeah. I didn't want someone else to die! I don't like people dying for me and you know that," I answered and he sighed.

"Promise me you won't go after them," he sighed and I shrugged. That was easy enough.

"Ok. Promise me you won't cheat on me," I replied and he stared at me.

"We're going out?" He asked stupidly and I picked up my hand to slap him. He caught my hand easily and he leaned forward to kiss my scowling lips.

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