King of Hearts Ch. 15

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I woke up to the smell of cookies and vanilla. It was a wonderful scent to smell in the morning. A smile stretched itself across my face as I thought about how one would taste with my coffee. It was a divine thought. Jumping out of bed, I quickly pulled on a robe and made my way towards the kitchen. The three Aces were sitting quietly at the table not talking. The silence between them wasn't heavy or tense. It just was. Like a group of close friends who ran out of things to talk about after a long day at work and all they wanted to do was be together. As I observed the three males, a cup of coffee made itself and a cookie put itself on a plate and floated to my side. Glancing down, I let their weight fall into my hands and I sat down at the table.

"Sweet dreams?" Jack asked munching on a cookie and I smiled at him over my mug.

"Yeah, the best," I agreed taking a sip. Made to perfection.

"We need to find out who that guy was," Nil interrupted my brief moment of happiness and I sighed. Back into the world of insanity. It was nice while it lasted.

"Why?" I asked taking the bait. Might as well know why I'm getting myself into something.

"He took away Zekan and called him his 'doll'. I don't know about you but that's straight out weird. I mean to have a fake Joker? Then the real ones got to be out there somewhere and there's three Aces...the last time that's happened was when the Aces created the Royals, which was basically over a millennium ago," Nil began and Kyle nodded his cookie crumbed face.

"It's closer to two or three millennium," Kyle interjected and Jack sat back in his chair. He had been through this before apparently.

"And?" I questioned and dipped the cookie in my coffee.

"And you can't have only three of them without four. You can only have even numbers in with Royals. Well...except for the Card Box..." the teen trailed off as I chomped on my caffeine soaked biscuit. It really was good.

"So? You think that the last Ace is alive?" I responded to the drawn out silence and he nodded.

"Yes. I mean even if the last Ace wasn't alive then he'd be born soon," he shrugged.

"How are you so sure that it's a guy?" I replied miffed.

"All the Aces are men. That's just how it is," he mumbled flustered and I sighed. There wasn't any point on me getting on his case just because I was agitated at the system.

"So how does this connect with the clocked person?" I asked and he grinned at me.

"That's easy. He made Zekan so we think that he's the other Ace," he answered and I choked.

"So you want to go looking for a guy that you aren't even sure exists?" I said putting down my empty mug and wiped my face. This was getting way too out of hand. I didn't want to get into anything after I had just gotten away. Maybe, I could actually teach now, without all the interruptions from the Music Department. Then again...I had enjoyed him coming to my class randomly and he did write me a poem...that was nice.

"I'm positive that he exists! I've gone over the entire event of what happened and the only way that Zekan would have been taken away like it is if that guy had been an Ace!" Nil protested throwing his chair back and slammed his palms on the table.

"Or if Zekan was tricking us," I pointed out and he glared at me.

"What reason would he have to trick us?" Jack voiced finally and I turned to him. He looked grim and unhappy as he stared back at me. Raising an eyebrow, I waited for him to go on.

"Well," He started shifting in his chair. "It plays out like this. Zekan didn't like to be tricked and even if he was a doll he wouldn't trick people unless he absolutely had to. He tricked me because he didn't want me to get any stronger and over power him. That's simple but if another Ace were to control him then maybe the Ace of Clubs wants to be the only Ace." Mulling it over, I rubbed my nose thoughtfully.

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