Chapter 9

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'So, just to be sure we're on the same page' Bra said, giving the innkeeper a long good look at the gravity of his expression. 'You saw king Thranduil come into your lobby and sit down with the trader?'

'Yes, my lord. Lords and lady. That's right.' The host of the Greenwood Inn, hat in hand, looked from Bra to Turi and then over to Bam, who had his hands folded behind his back and was displaying an equally grave expression.

The internal surveys team had been at their offices when this surprise witness blew in, now sat on a stool and offering groundbreaking evidence on their case. The innkeeper seemed baffled about the third degree he was receiving.

'Did you get a direct look at him?' Bam asked. 'I saw him from across the lobby. It sure looked like him.'

'So you can't be completely sure it was him?' Bra cocked his head. The innkeeper looked bewildered. 'But, it was him. I know the king.' Bras eyes became like slits. 'Personally?'

He raised one hand before the confused elf could answer, jabbing a finger at the witness 'Tell me yes or no: did you get an unobstructed look at this visitor?' 'No.'

'Now, as to the reason this mystery elf came into the inn. Are you absolutely sure he was there to visit the trader?' 'Absolutely' the innkeeper said angrily. 'Absolutely.'

'How did you know this to be so?' Bam tried. 'Did you ask?' 'No,' sighed their frustrated interviewee 'I didn't speak to him. He sat down close to the trader and..' 'Could he have been there on a different errant?' Bra interjected.

'What?!' The innkeeper looked genuinely perplexed and drained, and Turi decided to end the interview. The Dirs had had enough training at cross-examining a witness, and it was pretty clear to her now that Thranduil had lied about his meeting with the trader.

'We thank you for your cooperation and coming forth with this statement' Turi muttered absentmindedly. She added 'You have been a great help' and produced a weak smile.

As Bra escorted the innkeeper out the front door, the latter was still mumbling 'I know what I saw.'

Turi flopped down in the chair behind her desk, feeling positively hung over. Bragoldir knelt beside her. 'Boss, with all due respect, I think we should get more information on this situation before jumping to conclusions.' He put his arm around her shoulder. 'There may be a good explanation yet.'

Bam nodded encouragingly and said 'I feel hopeful about this. Seem ok to be hopeful, boss?' Turi managed another weak smile and thanked the both of them. Yes, she could be hopeful. But things were looking pretty grim, nonetheless. Thranduil hadn't confided in her, and she felt heartbroken.

What possible explanation could there be that would make such a blatant lie acceptable, or even logical?

Turi and the ring of Valar Belain (Thranduil fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now