Chapter 2

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'Tell me about this debacle.'

Thranduil sat towering above Turi and her team in the throne room of the palace. The internal surveys threesome stood before him, their heads bent. 

They were joined by the delegation of green elves, who hung to the back of the room. They were mumbling amongst each other indignantly, their leader Talathon still recovering from tripping, and then being tackled. Repeatedly. 

The assembly was completed by a glum looking commander in chief Coamenel who was stroking his rumpled feathered hat. As always, he'd dressed to impress and was wearing a fine brown tunic with embroidered collars. 

Turi's hair made a curtain in front of her face. 'Nín âr - my king,' she started 'I don't think there is anything left to explain'. She inhaled to continue, then thought the better of it and shut her mouth.

'You don't think this incident' Thranduil glimpsed painfully at the head of the party of green elves 'is anything to do with you or your team?' 'My king' Turi groaned, but Bra beat her to it, saying bitterly 'Someone blew our cover'.

'Ha, well' Thranduil waved his hand, 'that is alright then isn't it.' Noticing the thunderclouds gathering on Talathon's face, he added quickly 'They weren't under cover. They were just... surveilling.' Then he seemed to loose his patience and waved his hands sighing 'And what if they were?'

Talathon pulled himself up to his full height, his dark eyes full of anger. 'What are you implying Thranduil? Don't make me guess.' Thranduil drummed his fingers on his throne and after a short pause spoke. 'Why are you here? Really.'

Talathon broke a smile and looked around at his colleague green elves, as if soundlessly proving a point he'd made earlier. 'As said, we are here to meet Drannor, a trader, to consider his collection of starlight gems' he seemed to pause for effect as he looked Thranduil straight in the eye 'and to purchase the famed ring of Valar Belain.' 

He smiled slyly. 'Surely you don't mind that our meeting takes place in Greenwood?' Thranduil straightened himself up on his ornate throne. 'Of course not, you are our guests. And your trading affairs are your own business.'

'Then you will be sure to treat us like guests from now on, hm?' smiled Talathon. Before Thranduil could utter another word, the green elves excused themselves and filed out of the throne room. 

Watching them go, Turi noticed Thranduil's lips draw to a thin line as he turned back to them and asked very measuredly 'Who... who blew your cover?'

The team didn't speak but turned around to look at Coamenel, who stood a bit lost in the corner and raised his eyes in surprise. 'My lord' he quickly interjected, launching a genial smile and popping his feathered hat on his head. 'Ha, well, you understand...'

Thranduil's face did not signal any form of understanding. 

Coamenel rubbed his hands as he continued. 'I wasn't told about this surveillance detail, your highness. And well I was making sure, as the new head of the armed forces, that our guests were quite safe.'

Turi rolled her eyes. Indeed, Coamenel had been bumped up to take Rhaidmir's (*) place as the head of the armed forces, menel aen – high heaven may know why.

The now commander in chief smiled and nodded along, still seeing no empathy in Thranduil's cold stare. A long pause followed, interspersed by more nodding and some desperate haha's and you know's.

Thranduil seemed tense, Turi thought. This was understandable, as relations with the green elves had been strained since the incident with the lady Reinilian last ethuil – spring. (*) This mishap couldn't have come at a worse time. But she felt that it was not fair on her team to have to take the brunt for this fiasco either. The promotion had made the commander none the wiser or subtle in his approach.

'No, I certainly don't know' Thranduil suddenly snapped. 'But,' stammered Coamenel 'I tried to protect our guest with my life.' He seemed genuinely surprised at this rebuke.

'Surely we'd want to reassure our guests that I, as head of the armed forces, am in charge of their safety and they can count on Greenwood's commander in chief.' Turi cringed. Clearly Coamenel was still as vain as ever, and had no idea of the sensitive nature of the diplomatic brawl he'd caused.

'After noticing suspicious activity outside of their residence, I planned a clever counter offensive.' Quite pleased with this retort, Coamenel took a fine bow and straightened his feathered hat. 

Turi smiled and shook her head. As if noticing this, he added a jeering 'Not like my lesser and unfortunate colleagues here could have known about this superior military plan.'

Thranduil sharply stood from his throne, making the assembly jump. As he swiftly walked down to their level the internal surveys team skillfully moved out of his way.

The commander's eyes widened. 'Truly, Coamenel' Thranduil spoke coldly 'you plan like an orc and you look like one too.' He brushed past the shocked commander in chief and left the throne room.

As Turi and the Dirs made their way out in turn, Turi thought she could hear Coamenel choking up. His sobs were soft but his shoulders shook.

She stopped, considering whether to comfort him. True, his motivations had been misplaced pride and vanity. But still. She started to ask 'Are you o-' but he rudely turned away and said 'Don't waste my time Turi.'

When they'd all left, Coamenel wiped his tears with his sleeve. This public humiliation had cut him deep.

But before long, he'd have just the opportunity to get his own back.

(*) See Turi Returns (Thranduil fanfic) preceding this story

Turi and the ring of Valar Belain (Thranduil fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora