{Pandora Hearts} ℱℴℓℓℴω ℳℯ ∂ℴωη {Retrace: 6}

Start from the beginning

Gilbert's eyes widened at this statement before Reks pulled away, hands still resting on his shoulders (apple still in one hand).

"You're Reks?" he questioned, taking in her appearance. Messy brown hair, brown eyes, a tattoo on the upper right arm, a tattoo declaring 'NO LOVE' over her collar bone - which vaguely made him wonder who allowed a child to be tattooed.... Yes, he was sure of it - this had to be the same friend that Isla had been separated from.

It had taken a bit of prodding when they had first met Isla, having been curious as to what had happened (though honestly Oz did all of the prodding to get the information and some of it had even come from Uncle Oscar himself). Isla refused to talk about how she had come about the injuries she had sustained and had when Oscar had found her - though she did talk of being separated from a friend with Reks' exact description and name....

Reks blinked, thrown off by Gilbert's questioning. The maid had said her name, why ask her about it?

"Yes, it is." She fisted her free hand and thumped Gilbert atop his head as she released his shoulders from her grasp. As Reks did this she chastised him lightly; "You should listen to others when they speak, idiot-brother."

"So then you can meet back up with Isla!" Gilbert cries out ecstatically, finally something was going right! He ignored the stinging from where she had rapped him with her fist, a smile over his face now. "She's been worried sick about you and looking for you!"

It was his turn to grasp Reks' shoulders in his hand as he spoke. Reks instead blinked at him, a blank look upon her face as this revelation of Isla's friend being right here and before him was thrown at her.

"Who's Isla?"

Gilbert froze, his smile dropping at those words. Reks shrugged his hands off her shoulders as her gaze turned frosty. "I don't know who this Isla is, big brother, you've mistaken me for someone else. That's irritating. Don't ever do it again."

And with that Reks had turned around and waltzed away, continuing to snack on the apple in her hand. Gilbert remained frozen in his place for several minutes, unheeding of the maid's calls to hurry so that he may meet Vincent. There was no way he had mistaken this Reks for the one Isla was friends with. Tattoos weren't common after all, that was the dead give away in and of itself...

Finally the maid managed to shepherd the boy towards Vincent's room, where the younger boy awaited Gilbert's arrival.

Whatever Gilbert had been expecting of his brother it was not the boy that was seated on the bed, surrounded by torn and ripped apart stuffed animals and stuffing. The maid quickly left, to give them a moment alone to greet one another.

This is my...? Gilbert wondered, Reks and the situation surrounding her pushed to the back of his mind for later.

"Brother!" cried out the blond boy (covered in yellowing bruises as well), eyes lighting up joyously at the familiar sight of Gilbert. He immediately slid off of the bed, a ruined rabbit toy and a pair of small scissors sliding the floor with him in his rush to get to Gilbert.

Gilbert's head ached suddenly, his eyes widened as a flash of a corpse and blood surrounding it filled his mind for a moment before Vincent rushing at him preoccupied his thoughts once more. "I've missed you so much! I've been looking for you all this time!"

Vincent's arms were outstretched, ready to wrap Gilbert up in a hug. Panic flood Gilbert's mind and he dropped his suit case to smack Vincent's hands away, eyes wide and alert; his heart was hammering wildly in his chest. He didn't know what he had remembered, but whatever it was it had been dark and gruesome....

Vincent's face sobered at this and silence filled the messy room. Gilbert's shaky hand drew up to his mouth in worry. Had he already botched what he had come to do?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2011 ⏰

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