{Pandora Hearts} ℱℴℓℓℴω ℳℯ ∂ℴωη {Retrace: 5}

Start from the beginning

"But of course, we are merely speaking of the Vessalius' own little Gilbert are we not?" Sharon answers.

"Y-Yes.... of course..."

"Than it will not be a problem at all!"

Sharon began to lead the group back to the area they would be conversing with. In truth it should've been her grandmother or her mother in her Sharon's place, but her mother was still ill and healing up and her grandmother was busy so Sharon had offered to take her place. It had taken a little convincing but finally Cheryl Rainsworth had conceded, it would be good practice for future negotiations Sharon would one day have to take part in, after all.

The group found themselves at a rounded table covered in food (mostly cakes and cupcakes) as well as tea cups and a pot of tea near the center. The table was situated on a balcony, the sun shining down upon it warmly as the group situated themselves around it. Sharon seated herself to the right of the table as Dalton took the seat opposite her rather awkwardly. Reks took a seat with her back facing the balcony railing and Break situated himself balancing over the railing.

Reks noticeably tensed as Break had seated himself behind her and his eye narrowed, was the little girl plotting something? He didn't see how, but his run in with Vincent in the Abyss long ago made him rethink what children were capable of....

"Now, why exactly do the Nightrays wish to adopt Gilbert from the Vessalius household?" Sharon began, after politely pouring tea for everyone and taking a sip from her own first. Behind Reks, Break rudely crunched a lollipop loudly and Reks shot an irritated glare over her shoulder at him.

Well, this could be fun. Break did love to pick on others, after all....

“Vincent has stated that his lost brother is that of Gilbert. Golden eyes, black hair.... Gilbert matches Vincent’s description to a ‘T.’” Dalton answers calmly, glancing down at the tea cup before him before reaching for it to take a sip himself.

Reks sighed quietly glancing around in boredom. She was being ignored like the child she was and she didn’t like it, well, besides Break watching her warily. Before her Dalton and Sharon continued to speak about the Nightrays adopting Gilbert and how the mediation would pan out in theory as the Rainsworths would speak on the Nightrays behalf.

It all sounded bland to Reks. So instead she began to dig into her messenger bag for a certain object while Break’s eye narrowed slightly, watching her carefully. If she even acted in a manner that would threaten Sharon he would react....

He relaxed as the girl instead pulled out a sketch pad and a pencil and eraser, biting down lightly on the pencil as she took the bag from around her shoulders and dropped it to the ground loudly, causing Sharon and Dalton to glance at her before continuing their conversation. She flipped through pages already filled in with doodles, some better than others though this was only a guess on Break’s part as he only caught glimpses of them.

Finally she found a blank page, and she took the pencil from her mouth into her hand as she stared at the paper, a thoughtful look on her face as she glared at the whiteness stretched before her. Break continued to watch, you never knew what one could be up to even at innocent tasks, after all.

For several seconds Reks sat there, unmoving other than to shove a cupcake into her mouth in a rather un-lady-like fashion before she began to sketch out several circles into a certain pose, adding a cross to what Break would assume to be the face of whatever she was drawing. This pose of circles was finished within merely seconds before she moved back up to the face-area and began detailing the form out using the bubbles as guidelines.

Break continued to watch as the girl continued to quickly sketch out a girl, around the age of fifteen and rather well for a girl Reks’ age. But that wasn’t what caught his attention - it was the fact that Reks was drawing someone very familiar to him....

{Pandora Hearts} ℱℴℓℓℴω ℳℯ ∂ℴωηWhere stories live. Discover now