{Pandora Hearts} ℱℴℓℓℴω ℳℯ ∂ℴωη {Retrace: 1}

Comincia dall'inizio

Isla huffed, dropping the conversation. One thing Isla had learned quickly about Reks was that if she didn’t wish to divulge anything to anyone it wasn’t going to happen, no matter how hard or long the person pestered her for the information they wanted. The worry still didn’t leave entirely, even after Reks stopped rubbing at that spot as if to ease some sort of a pain.

The conversation lulled into a silence, each female left to their thoughts as they reached Isla’s home. It wasn’t anything fancy, just a standard home one could find anywhere without really searching. It had grown dark while the two were out and about and it was no surprise that the two didn’t really have a want to do anything else.

In truth, however, Reks had quite a bit on her mind. She hadn’t mentioned it to Isla, knowing how much of a worry-wart the other woman was, but she had come across something rather strange quite a time ago. She had come across a strange demonic creature coming home from work on her night shift, nearly had run it over in her car before swerving and nearly running into a tree afterwards.

A morbid curiosity had caused Reks to warily inspect the creature across the abandoned country road without a thought to her well-being. And why not? She was stuck in a dead end job, she had little care for her family and was all around bored with life. It seemed whenever she had a stroke of good luck thrown her way it was countered with some bad luck that seemed four times worse.

Why not take a chance on the most interesting thing she had ever come across in her life?

The creature had attacked, with Reks dodge rolling out of the way - an instinct left over from her training at her failed attempt at the military - what as more interesting than being a soldier, after all? A stare down had occurred before the creature had spoken, a deep rumbling voice that seemed to echo slightly even though it had no reason to echo.

It had made promises of changing the past - well, why would Reks want to do that? What happened had happened, even if it was for the worst, why try and change it? Something else would surely go wrong - Reks was dead sure of that what with the pattern of the good coming and then the bad sending her skittering lower than ever each time.

So the demonic critter had tried a different tactic as soon as the words “Bored now~ I’m gonna leave~” had left Reks’ mouth. It had then gone the route of power, which once again Reks’ had threatened to leave - it was obvious the demon was getting desperate, it’s time in this world away from the Abyss was shortening and it had to make a contract, at least that’s what it had explained to her later when she had asked out of curiosity.

It had eventually asked what Reks had wanted, desperation now within its voice. Reks had shrugged and merely stated “something interesting to happen.” That had been the deal sealer, and soon Reks was what the demon - or chain, as it had called itself later, called a contractor. An illegal one at that, but that didn’t seem to faze Reks at all, either.

It hadn’t been long after that that Reks had found out what the chain wanted, to eat humans. Well, Reks didn’t have much of a choice after that - she found life boring but she had no want to die, as selfish a thought as that was. Besides, humanity could use a little cleaning up, anyways....

The next problem had been the marking on her chest the chain called an ‘incuse.’ It had begun to move, the needle moving and marking how much time until she and the chain were dragged into the Abyss. Every time it made a movement she would be in a great deal of pain, at one point the needle had moved while she had been at work and very nearly the ambulance had been called.

And now it was acting up again. Just before she had arrived into Isla’s hometown that morning, she had been forced to pull her car over on the side of the road as she doubled over the steering wheel in pain, grasping the fabric of her jacket and shirt over where the incuse was.

{Pandora Hearts} ℱℴℓℓℴω ℳℯ ∂ℴωηDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora