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Months After: Far Northern of Ravenshire

"Faster Eli!" his eyes were playful as he shouted with slight sarcasm "We don't have all day!". He was enjoying the view of me struggling to climb the darn thing. I can't help but to smile back.

"You know, I would get up faster if you would help me!" I shouted back. He just smiled, contemplating.

"I would, but" he pretended to think it over "where's the fun in that?"

And he even had the nerve to chuckle with that deep voice of his. I pumped my legs faster, desperate to reach him wherever he was taking me. He said it was a surprise.

I loved surprises.

When he came into view, I saw him standing near a tree with a little wooden bench underneath it. The large tree was against the light of the sunset, casting somewhat of a shadow to the pastel orange skies. And he was standing there, my dashing Regan, looking like an angel sent from the heavens. The orange rays were casting a glow on his face, making him look more handsome than he already was.

When I reached him, he engulfed me in a hug, like he hadn't seen me for a long time, when it was the complete opposite. We were inseparable. Months had passed since the day I saw him at the Vilgrain Manor, and ever since then, I knew what it meant to feel true happiness.

I had chosen my Regan and had left the day after, not sparing any moment. What surprised me was, no one stopped me. Not even Julianne. I can't say that I didn't feel bad about doing what I did, but staying there would only scramble my thoughts further. After all, I still felt the bond even up to now. But answering the bond was a whole different story.

I had my Regan now.

Snapping my thoughts back to reality, Regan had placed his hands to frame my face, staring intently with his ocean orbs. I placed my arms lovingly around his neck, but did not utter a single word. I was enjoying the moment.

"Are you happy Eli?" he finally said after a while. "With everything? With me?"

I smiled. "You'd think I would have gone if I wasn't?" I said teasingly.

He looked down, as if thinking deeply, then up into my eyes once again. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist almost possessively. "Then marry me."

"Are you serious?" I asked incredulously.

He frowned almost instantly, a pout was making its way to his face. He looked like a child told to take a bath at the sheer cold of winter. "You think I'm joking?"

"No! No, that's not what I meant..." I can't help it and a small giggle slipped past my mouth. His face was priceless.

"Sure Eli, laugh it all off." He let go of my waist, taking his warmth with him in the process. Instantly, I wanted it all to come back.

"Regan, that's not what I meant" I started. He didn't seem to be convinced "What I meant to say was why would you even ask? When the answer was staring you directly at the face. Look at me and tell me what you see" I cooed.

He scrunched up his face and his eyes squinted to look at my face from the small distance between us. I smiled softly. I can tell he was trying to stop himself from smiling too, but alas, he failed. He smiled softly and wrapped his arms around my waist once more. Immediately, I feel the warmth spread once again to my body. His warmth. I slipped my arms around his neck, making contact with his golden locks. So soft. He pressed his forehead to mine and I whispered a faint yes, loud enough for only him to hear.

And his lips met mine, lovingly and possessively. His kisses were hungry, claiming. Wanting to be closer than ever, and I responded with the same ferocity of his kisses, my hands tangled in the mass of golden hair behind him. We eventually stopped, in need of air.

Once more, he looked in my eyes with so much love, his arms keeping me in place. I cupped his jaw, making sure to trace his features ever so slowly that he shivered.

"I love you Regan" I said, overwhelmed with emotions.

"I love you more than you'll ever know Eli. And for that-" he said, as a smirk was gradually making its way to his face "We shall hold the ceremony tomorrow at once, just like before"

I hit him lightly in the face and laughed almost unlady-like. He looked taken back for a moment but responded at once, putting all his muscular weight and wrapping his arms around me to bring us down to the ground. We were in hysterics, laughing and me giggling through all his caresses.

I managed to break free and started running to our house a few distances away. I can't wait to tell Dianne once I get home. Regan had dusted up and quickly followed in pursuit.

"Eli be careful!" he shouted "Why are you even running away from your SOON TO BE HUSBAND?" he said teasingly.

I took a glance back and gave him the sweetest smile. "I would never marry a weasel that can't catch a damsel"

He laughed "I accept your challenge, milady."

So I ran faster.


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