‡Chapter 13 - Being The Master's Mistress ‡

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"As the legend goes, when the phoenix resurrects from the flames, she is even more beautiful than before" - Danielle LaPorte

My room barely had any curtains in it, while this one had the finest red silk curtains I had ever seen. The walls had beautiful floral wallpaper covering the entire room; a complete contrast from my former dull, gray ones from the servants' quarters.

I don't usually get overwhelmed with mere luxuries, but the room was truly beautiful!

Am I in heaven?

"I'm glad to see you're awake," said a voice from beside me. I jumped a little with the sudden intrusion, especially with the idea of a stranger finding me ogling idiotically inside a beautiful room.

When I turned to face the voice, my throat went dry and shock was painted all over my face, for I did not expect this person to appear to me at all, much less so early in the morning. I looked down and saw that I was only wearing a thin material that made up my nightgown.

My face heated up in embarrassment. I covered myself up with the soft sheets from the bed in an attempt to cover up any indecency.

"Do not be embarrassed Rosabelle." he calmly said.

Rose... I... I was Rose? Rosabelle. Oh how silly of me!

I am Rose.

"Young master Julianne-." I quickly sat upright, motioning to get down on the soft bed.

"Please address me as Julianne." He countered. "Where are you going?" He was seated at the left side of the bed, drinking a cup of tea. How I did not notice him there moments ago had me wondering.

"It is morning master" I straightened my nightgown. "I must do my chores?"

The young master smiled, and then chuckled. The sound of his voice bounced off the walls inside the spacious room. It was beautiful. His laugh was so refreshing and angelic, you simply can't get enough of it.

Was it something I said?

"Pardon Master-" my hands motioning to inquire.

"Julianne." He wiped the tear from his eyes, a result from his excessive chuckling. "Just Julianne. Forgive me. It just amuses me of the idea of a master's lady, such as yourself, doing chores in my manor."

"Wha-? Master's lady? Me!?" I was bewildered. Shock was clearly painted on the blank canvas that is my face. I was left gaping at him like a fish out of water. I looked ridiculous! "What is happening to the world!?!"

"Why- we are to be wed of course." he answered simply. I thought he was playing tricks with me, but when I saw no hint of amusement on his face, I doubt he was. He was completely serious.

My hand went to my mouth in shock as a sudden realization hit me like a ton of bricks. "I thought-" I said starting, but then closing and opening it again. The scene would be pretty funny if not for my situation.

I remember now... That one faint night at the dining table, where we met and time had stood still, where he kissed me lovingly and longingly, leaving with a promise of return....

But that was all in my head... Time stopping for only two people is clearly not possible...

Now that this is happening, I doubt it was. The promise within Julianne's eyes were proof enough, seemingly I get easily distracted when I see his ethereal face... Damn him and his perfection!

"You thought what? That it was all in your head?" he nailed it perfectly. He circled the bed and went to stand in front of me. He was a tall man. I was fairly tall but I can only reach up to his neck, falling just a little under his chin. He cupped my face softly, his palm warm against my cheeks. "I meant what I said" he cooed.

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