Chapter 3. Fatal attraction.

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Chapter 3. Fatal attraction.

Christian’s POV.

I was walking through the courtyard with Jack. It was very beautiful. The leaves fell from the trees and gained an extra dimension from the sunset. Suddenly, Jack lightly jabbed me with his elbow.

“See that girl over there? What do you think?” He nodded his head towards a girl.

I took one glance at her, then I lost all control. Her hair looked like a halo in the sunset and her blue eyes were deeper than oceans. She was quite pale and her cheeks were slightly flushed. Average, yet… The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I took a step to her, unconscious of my action. All I could focus on was her… Just her. I wanted to take her in my arms and feel her warmth against my skin. I wanted to smell she sweet scent of her blood… Jack grabbed my arm and gave me a warning look. Thana walked towards us, looking extremely pissed. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the girl look at me. She took a step towards me and I felt my muscles tense.

“Are you okay?” The girl shouted, sounding worried.

Her voice… It was as clear as the crisp morning sky and as melodic and wind chimes. I could listen to it forever. Thana glared at me, grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hallway. She was very pissed off.

“What the hell do you think you are doing? You can’t get involved with humans and don’t you dare deny it. I know you were thinking about it. The Council strictly prohibits it. Besides, human relationships only last until they die, by sickness or by our own hands. It’s pointless. If you can’t control yourself, I’ll see to the problem personally. You are a goddamn vampire. Start acting like one and stop thinking about her.” Thana hissed, baring her fangs at me.

I glared at her, but I knew she was right. I really shouldn’t think that way about that girl, but she was just… amazing. Thana glared at me one last time, retracted her fangs and walked out the door.

“Her name is Sophie Price, by the way.” She said before she slammed the door behind her.

Jack stared at me.

“Okay… I take it that you’re not going to forget about her.” He said, stating the obvious.

“Her name is Sophie.” I said, beginning to walk to my room.

An hour or so later, it was dinner. To keep up appearances, I went to the cafeteria. To my great satisfaction and dismay, I ended up behind Sophie in line. She stood a bit too close for me to be comfortable, because with every unnecessary breath I took, I inhaled her scent. It was sweet, fresh and reeked of innocence. It was the most delicious scent I’d ever smelled. I wished that I could stop breathing, but I couldn’t, because then people would get suspicious. A few seconds later, I knew I’d have to feed after this. If I was going to be around her for a week, then I needed to be prepared. Not that it would matter, really… A voice in my head added. I felt a tug in what used to be my heart. I shouldn’t think of that, I really shouldn’t. Quickly, I grabbed a tray and put the usual eating utensils on it. Props, as I call it. The disgusting smell of human food mixed with Sophie’s delicate scent, making it easier for me to breathe. I quickly moved past Sophie after I’d grabbed some food and slammed my tray down on an empty table. I poked around in the disgusting food, wondering where I could find something for me to eat.

When I finally was out of that awful cafeteria, I decided to hunt. Running as fast as I could,  I speeded into the heart of Smithsee. No one saw me, but who would notice a blur? I searched around for someone to drink from. After a minute or so, I came across a homeless woman lying down in an alley. I stopped and examined her. She was alive and reeked of alcohol. Silently, bent down to her, extended my fangs and sank them into her neck. Her eyes flung open, but they began to close a second later. The intoxicating effect of the venom was kicking in. I felt her heartbeat slow down as her alcohol-tainted blood flowed into my mouth. Normally, I wouldn’t kill her, but I didn’t care right now. I needed the rush of the kill to stop thinking about Sophie. The last flicker of life in the woman went out and I retracted my fangs. I groaned. Now I had to clean up. I quickly flicked my tongue across the small puncture wounds. Despite the fact that the woman was dead, the wounds closed up. I took her in my arms and ran to a small river just outside of town. I threw her body in there, hoping some animals would find it. Otherwise, I might be in some trouble with the Council. I ran back to the school in less than ten seconds. A bit before hitting campus, I slowed down and began to walk. I wouldn’t want to arise suspicion, would I? Walking quickly towards my room, I overheard some laughter coming from the room under mine. Her laughter. My muscles tightened, but I ignored it and walked into my room. Jack wasn’t in and he’d left a note.

Okay, Christian, here’s the deal. Sophie lives in the room under you. You’re probably going to lose control, so I got a new room. Don’t worry, it’s the room just across the hall. I left a key card under this note for you. I really don’t care what you do with the girl, as long as you don’t do anything stupid. We’ll talk tomorrow about this, ‘kay? // Jack

I smiled a bit at his note. He knew me too well. Another laugh was heard from the room under mine. It wasn’t her laugh, but someone else’s. I threw myself onto my unnecessary bed and began to listen. In the background, I heard the noise of a movie. Twilight, I believe.

“… and he’s really nice, but I don’t know what to do.” The other girl said.

“Miriam, do what feels right to you. No one else can tell you what’s right, only you decide what’s right for you.” Sophie said.

Her voice was as clear as it had been before, but it had an edge of wisdom to it now. I caught myself eavesdropping. That wasn’t polite. But, really, you can’t turn off your hearing… The little voice in my head added. I wanted to believe it, but deep down, I knew it was wrong.

After listening to them talking for an hour and a half, I found myself wanting to hear more. I couldn’t get enough of her voice, her words and the way she used them. A minute after they’d said good night, there was a blast of music coming from their room. “Under the sea”, to be exact. The sound stopped as I heard someone answer a phone. Then I heard crying. I listened, was it Sophie? No, it didn’t sound like her. I felt relieved.

“What happened?” Sophie said, sounding very concerned.

“My… My grandfather passed away.” Miriam sobbed, “I want to go home, but I don’t want to leave you here alone.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. If you don’t want to be here, I understand. I don’t want to be the reason you stay and are miserable.” Sophie said, sounding very honest.

Was she serious? Many people would only think of themselves, but Sophie… She didn’t think of herself, only of her friend’s well-being.

“Really?” Miriam said in a weak voice.

I could hear Sophie beginning to sob, but I could also hear Miriam breathe out in relief. Sophie must’ve confirmed her answer

“Try to get some sleep and we’ll tell Nick that you’re leaving tomorrow. Okay?” Sophie said.

I turned around to lay on my back. What an intriguing girl… I closed my eyes, and thought of her. It was the closest to dreaming I could come.


A/N: I hope that you like the chapter :) I found it difficult to write from a guy's perspective, but I did my best. What do you think? Your feedback means everything to me <3

Hugs, Sophie.

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