Chapter 2. Death in the family.

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Chapter 2. Death in the family.

Sophie’s POV.

I don’t know why his name stood out to me. It’s not like I’ve ever heard the name before. I don’t even know anyone named Christian! Yet, his name stood out. I looked at him. I lost my breath. He was the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. His black hair was styled in an emo-style, but not really. More like the hairstyles in Japanese manga. He had the darkest eyes I’ve ever seen, like the night sky. His skin was very pale, but he didn’t look sick. He simply looked… Perfect. Catching myself staring, I averted my gaze. I hoped he  hadn’t seen me. I felt my cheeks redden. Shit. Quickly, I flung my hands up to my face to cover my cheeks. Why did I have to blush easily? I peeked at him. He sat down and he didn’t seem to have noticed me. Relieved, I put my hands down and turned to face Nick.

“Okay, now that everyone has been confirmed to be here, you can leave. It’s lunch now. Be back here, with instruments, at half past 3.” Nick said and smiled.

I almost ran out of the gym, not waiting for Miriam or Alex. Why was I so attracted towards this guy? Christian…Just to think of him made my heart pound. I took a deep breath. Pull it together, Sophie. Miriam came up behind me and gave me a questioning glance.

“I’ll tell you later.” I whispered and began to follow the others.

She gave me a weird look, but she followed me. When we arrived at the cafeteria, we had to stand in line for a minute or so. Then we could finally eat.  Tacos… So delicious… I put some meat on my plate, along with a tortilla, some veggies and a lot of nachos. Soon, I realized that I’d missed the drinks. I hurried over to the drink station and grabbed some milk. Alex, Miriam, some other guy and I sat down at a table.

“Hi! Who are you?” I said to the new guy.

“I’m Henry, Alex’s roommate. You must be Sophie and you must be Miriam.” He said and pointed at me and Miriam.

“How did you know?” I said.

“Alex told me.” Henry said and nodded towards Alex.

“Oh, okay.” I said and began to eat.

There was an awkward silence that hung in the air while we were eating. It made me feel uncomfortable, but I ignored it. After eating for 5 minutes, I realized why I always have my hair in a ponytail. My hair always gets in my face. Annoying. Anyway, I finished a bit earlier than the others, so I decided to look around the cafeteria. Christian wasn’t there. My heart sunk a bit, even though it was illogical for me to react like that. Soon, we were finished eating and we put away our plates and eating utensils. Miriam and I hurried to our room and took our instruments.

“It’s 5 minutes until we begin! Hurry up!” I shouted, feeling like the white rabbit from “Alice in Wonderland.”

“Don’t worry, Sophie.” Miriam shouted back.

We made it to the gym in time. When I came in through the door, I saw Christian. He was playing something on a saxophone. Ohh… How “saxy” he looked. My cheeks began to redden, so I looked away and began to unpack. Distracted by not trying to think of Christian, I found myself cleaning my flute instead of assembling it. I laughed a nervous laugh and tried not to blush, which I failed miserably at. I could hear Miriam giggle. Uncomfortable and angry, I glared at her and went back to assembling the flute. A few seconds later, I was done. Making sure it was tuned to perfection, I turned to Nick. He was holding some papers in his hand. Perhaps it was sheet music? He cleared his throat and smiled at us.

“Hello! Here, I have some sheet music for you. We will be playing…” He began.

“Sorry that I’m late, but my car broke down.” A cold voice said.

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