"Hey. I'm Luke! ", the boy excitedly greets me and I frown.

"Are you moving into that house? ", I ask.

"Um.. Yeah. We are new in town. Wanna go get some ice cream later? Martha could make it. ", he rambles and I swallow the lump in my throat when the man who saved me gets out of the car.

"Who's Martha? "

"My maid. ", he laughs.

"What's a maid? ", my eyebrows furrow at the unfamiliar term.

"Well, she makes my bed, cleans my room and does practically everything for me. Don't you have one? ", Luke rubs his hands against his jacket.

"I think I do. "

"What's her name? "

"Well.. My mom. ", I say and look up to see th sky somewhat cleared from the clouds.

"That's weird. Wanna be friends? "

"Friends? ", I breathe out and glance at his hugs house. "Why would you want to be friends with me? I live in a hole. "

Luke shrugs. "You're the only boy besides me that has blonde hair. We are like brothers. "

I laugh at him and nod. "Cool. I'm Ross by the way. "

"Like I said before.. I'm Luke. ", he chuckles.

"Ross, we need to tell your family you are okay. Let's go. ", the man nudges me and I nod and wave at Luke.

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