"That's enough! you will never speak of her in that tone ever again! you will show her even more respect than you show me!" I roared, standing only centimeters away from him, baring my fangs to him in a threat display.

I noticed how Devon shut up immediately, knowing that he had crossed a line with me and as his leader, he had to stand down.

There was only silence as Devon and I stared off at eachother.

"What is she to you Joshua?" Devon said calmly, taking a step back and backing down to me like he knew he should.

"She's my mate Devon and I expect you to treat her just as you treat me now that you know. Take a walk to cool off, I don't want you anywhere near her when your like this" I said strongly, softening my tone when I saw that he was under my command again and under control.

Devon nodded slightly, "If that's what you wish, I'll spend the night at Caitlin's and I'll return first thing tomorrow morning" He said quietly.

Caitlin was my sister, many years older than me and she was also Devon's mate which was one of the reasons that I made him my second in command.

But Devon and I had been friends eversince I was just a boy, we were practically brothers already before Caitlin found out that they were mates.

Caitlin and I had different mothers of course, both of them were vampires while we both had the same sure blooded vampire father.

I hated our father though, mainly because he used women like they were all mere objects that he could use until he grew bored of them and could dispose of them easily.

I loved my mother, she was kind, caring and loving towards me, her only son.

Until I turned twelve and our father killed her right infront of me and her lifeless body fell to my feet.

I hated our father and Caitlin understood why, but she still loved the man like a daughter should love her father.

It was because he didn't kill her mother, her mother left our father when Caitlin was seventeen so she ended up hating her mother but not our father.

Caitlin and Devon had met thirty years before I was even born and when I was only fourteen, along came my nephew Solace, who was currently four years old and adored me for some unknown reason.

I was glad that they were mates though and Caitlin had gotten the son that she had always wanted but I wonder how long it would be before my mate and I had children of our own...

"Good. Don't forget that I have the meeting with the heads of state tomorrow afternoon, you have to be there and so does Caitlin" I told him quickly.

"What about Solace?" Devon asked suddenly, obviously not wanting his son to be left alone.

"Bring him around here tomorrow aswell, I haven't seen him in so long. Now go, I have more important things to do right now..." like getting to know my mate "...We can sort things out tomorrow when the time comes"

Devon said farewell before casually walking down the street, Caitlin only lived two blocks away so it wasn't much of a walk and since it was well after dark, I wished to go to bed where I could relax.

I walked up the drive way, noticing how my mates mouth watering scent filled the air as I walked through the doors and closed them behind me.

As soon as I was inside, I noticed how all of the vampires that I had ordered to watch over my mate were all currently gathered in the living room, watching a game of football that was currently on and creating a loud racket.

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