Chapter 4

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After having been on Earth for only minutes, Cinder was already a nervous wreck.

She didn't know what to say to Kai or to anyone. She was frozen in time with her fear. She took a deep breath before speaking.

"It's good to be home," Cinder said, smiling. Her smile was aimed towards everyone, but if she was truthful, it was mostly for Kaito.

"I hope that you find your stay here as pleasant as if you were in your own palace. We are very excited to have the highest court on Luna join us for our Annual Ball." After Kai said this, he gave her a subtle wink.

Cinder couldn't help but smile once more at the Emperor.

At the Emperor's command, her guards escorted her through the tunnels towards the palace. These were the tunnels that she had gone through countless times before, only this time, she wasn't breaking in. The tunnels were becoming dingier and more unkempt every time. It was a miracle that they still stood, but Cinder was sure that these tunnels would never be demolished.

Finally, they reached the palace. It was magnificent. Though she had been here many times before, she was still in awe of its beauty. The last time she had been in such awe, she had been a little mechanic fixing the Prince's android. Now, she was the Queen of Luna and a revolutionary. Oh, how times change.

They led her to her chambers. She was in awe of the luxury she was provided with. The room was huge. There were layers upon layers of plush sheets laid on her queen size bed. It was about a foot above the ground with an immense headboard. The ceiling was three times higher than her, and the whole of her chambers was bigger than her New Beijing apartment. She was stunned. Her rooms had never been this big when she'd stayed before, so why the sudden change?

Before she could even think and fully soak in what had just happened, her escorts were shuffling her on to the next room. Torin talked and talked about how the ball would go and the importance of this meeting, but Cinder already knew most of what he was saying. It was more like a reassurance for everyone.

Finally, her entourage left her to her chambers to relax before meeting with all of the important people at a dinner.

It quickly became just her and Kai, along with his advisor and her guards.

Kai looked at her in a strange way, and suddenly, the room was devoid of all people other than them. Torin exited the room and the guards stood outside.

"I want to show you something," Kai said, the first true words he'd spoken to her on this trip.

He led her through the palace to a place that she had never been before. There were countless rooms and hallways, but soon, the path became more familiar. He was leading her to the ballroom.

"This was where it all started, huh, Selene? Back when you were a fugitive with that tiny little foot?"

She remembered. They were moving close to the little garden outside where the rain had been falling when she had lost control. She saw the same plants and the stones that she had fallen on. It all seemed so peaceful now, but that wasn't even the half of it.

"This room holds so many memories, Kai."

"I know. Hey, Cinder, do you remember when...when you kissed me on those steps right there in front of Levana?"

"Oh, I remember. I was so much more naïve back then, thinking that any attraction between us could affect Levana's stance."

"Should I call you Selene? I know that's your real name, but I've been calling you Cinder a lot and I just want to make sure—"

"Cinder is fine. I know that you probably will still use Selene when it's formal, but I think Cinder is more personal. Besides, it holds more memories."

They were standing under a bonsai tree. Pink and white flowers with large stems could be seen in the near distance. The breeze that had picked up a minute ago had stopped.

Cinder turned from looking at the beautiful scenery to looking directly at Kai's face. She still saw the boy she had known in the market, the one who she had kidnapped on the Rampion, and the one she had seen after her surgery.

He was the same, that meant that he still loved her the same, despite what had happened in the past year.

Kai took her hands and she glanced down at them. She saw the metal and the flesh come into contact.

When Cinder looked into his eyes, she saw love.

Kai leaned over and kissed her. She kissed him back. The breeze picked up ever so slightly when their lips collided, and she could smell the flowers, something she had never been able to do before.

The kiss was short, but it said everything that no words could express.

Then, the kiss ended, and they had to become an Emperor and a Queen once more. That was the bittersweetness of it all.

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