Chapter 2

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"A little higher."

"Is that okay?"


Cinder looked in the mirror, the only one in all of Luna. She was breathless, probably because of how tight the dress was.

As she stood in the mirror with the seamstress behind her, the seamstress finished sewing the last touches on her dress.

"Thank you so much," Cinder told her.

"Anything for the Queen," the seamstress said. "I am honored to serve you for such a special occasion."

Cinder smiled. She changed back into her original, looser dress while the seamstress gave her the delicate gown in its cover.

She thanked the seamstress and left with her guards back to the palace. Iko was waiting for her at her chambers.

"I've gotten the gloves, shoes, necklace, clasps, and everything else together! You should be ready for when you leave."

"Thank you so much, Iko. This ball is so important for Luna and–"

"You don't have to lie to me. I know why you're going."


"You're going to see Emperor Kai, of course! So romantic." Iko made lovestruck eyes to emphasize her point. Cinder laughed.

"Enough with the shenanigans. I need to pack all of my things for the trip, including clothes."

"Ooh, my specialty!"

Cinder and Iko spent hours picking the right outfits to wear. They were fit for a queen and for the Earthern summer. Cinder could imagine the tan she'd be putting on during her visit.

Finally, when they had gotten all of her belongings together, Cinder flopped onto her queen size bed.

"I can't believe it," she said.

"Neither can I. You're wearing tan and chartreuse in front of Kai?!" Iko said, examining a top Cinder had picked out.

Cinder smirked. "That's not what I meant, Iko, but thanks. Now I know what colors not to wear in front of the Emperor of the Eastern Commonwealth."

"Good! You look hideous in chartreuse. Go for a lavender or a midnight blue instead. Even eggshell white suits you more than that." She shivered as she dropped the shirt onto the floor.


"Sorry, but it's true."

"This is why I have you pick out my clothing for business trips."

"You mean visits to your boyfriend?"

Cinder paused. She had forgotten about that one small, important detail: Kai. What were they? Were they boyfriend and girlfriend? She had called him that instinctively in front of Levana, but did that mean anything? They had never really talked about their relationship in words or voiced their feelings: they just knew.

Now, thinking about it, Cinder didn't really know what was between her and the Emperor of uncanny hotness. They had kissed many times and they cared for each other, but was this love?

Of course it was.

Distance could change things, though. She had been so far from him in more ways than being across the solar system. Miles only separated them physically.

Instead of thinking so much to the point of migraines, Cinder got up and went to do something productive.

"Iko, I'm going to make sure the ships are ready for the departure tomorrow. The court coming with me needs to be ready, too, so I'll make sure everything is in order. Be back soon!"

"Make sure you're ready, too!"

Cinder stopped in her tracks, unable to move. She quickly forced her feet to move one by one in a coherent pattern, but that millisecond of hesitation said a lot. Those five words did so much to Cinder.

What if she wasn't ready?

It wasn't just about going to Earth. She had to make peace between her moon and the planet. She had to be the voice of change. She was going to see Kai and the Earthern leaders. She would have to dance. She would see her home again. Everyone would be watching her. She would be going back to where it all started.

The thought was scary, but as the Queen of Luna, she could do it. She had done so much between this little rock and that gigantic lush globe of life. Going to the ball would be easy compared to the last year.

That was what she told herself, anyway. No fool could believe that this would be an easy journey for Selene. No one.

Thaumaturges assured her that her descent to Earth would be calm and convenient, but she was not worried about the flighty.

Not really.

She had to stop letting these thoughts to her head. She took a deep breath and kept walking to the docks.

Instead of turning toward the dock, she went into the throne room.

This was her favorite place to go. She felt like she was alone in her world here, and the view of the lake always calmed her.

She would come here and think about what had happened in the last year. She remembered the cracks and blood that once surrounded this room. Every time she sat on the throne, she shivered. Somehow, though, she couldn't stop coming here.

She received a comm from Kinney telling her that the ships were ready. Stepping off of the throne, she made her way to the dock where her court was. She saw Iko come carrying heavy bags and Kinney helped her.

Everyone clapped a fist to their chest before letting her enter the ship.

Everyone got into the many ships. She felt herself begin to rise.

Sitting in the plush seats and looking out at the stars, she knew so many things.

She prayed to the stars above that this trip would go well.

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