So she has a girlfriend now. I feel as if knowing this was even worse then thinking she had a boyfriend.

"Girlfriend? Please. Your lying!
You love me!" He says with a frown. I could hear a slight slur in his voice now. I guess Izzy was right about the alcohol problem.

"I do! And she's right here and we are in love!" She wraps her arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I basically freeze as I look at her with my mouth open wide.

"Yeah right! She doesn't seem to believe that one bit! Just come with me since you obviously can't love her."

"I do!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Prove it!"

And without a second of hesitation she turned to face me and she slammed her soft lips onto mine. The kiss wasn't messy or sloppy, it was just nice. It all felt so perfect. I don't even know how long it lasted but I hated when she eventually pulled away.

She turned back to Nick who stood there awestruck while I just smiled to myself. I had no idea what was going on but I liked this a lot.

"You," Nick suddenly turned to me and both of our expressions turned serious, "What did you do to her? You gave her this ugly disease didn't you you freak!" And with that he slaps me hard across the face. It was enough to make my lip bleed.

"Don't touch her!" Izzy screamed and pulled him away. She grabbed my arm and we ran. I ran as fast as I could to keep up with her. By the time he had gotten to her house we had lost Nick. She was crying and my cheek burned.

"Izzy, Izzy, hey. It's okay. We're okay. We're safe now," I don't know how I was so calm. I was confused more than anything.

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry!" She sobbed. We sat outside her doorstep and I hugged her. After she calmed down a bit we went inside.

Her sister freaked out when she saw my still red face and fresh cut and have me an ice pack to make sure it didn't  swell or anything. She made sure we were okay and even offered not to tell mine or Izzy's parents that way we'd still be allowed out alone at dark but we decided it would be for the best to tell them.

Me and Izzy now sat quietly in her room.



"What, what was all of that about?"

"Oh, well. That guy, Nick, well, I used to date him. We split up when I realized I was gay, but he never really accepted that," she managed to explain calmly. It was quiet for a few more moments before I spoke up again.

"What about the, um, what about the kiss?" I ask shyly, worried for the answer.

"Oh, that, um, well," blush rushed to her cheeks and I grinned a little. She just looked so cute. But then she sighed and the blush left. "Listen, I know you don't like me like that and that's okay,"

"But Izzy-"

"No and I'm sorry I put you on the spot doing all that stuff back there and making you feel uncomfortable,"

"No, Izzy I-"

"You don't have to say anything,"


"I know you don't have feelings for me that way,"

"Izzy really I-"

"And I don't like you like that either!"

I didn't try and cut in anymore. We just sat there for a second before I managed to make a sound. "Oh?"

"Yeah, I mean we're friends, close friends, best friends even! I could never like you in that sort of way. I'm, I'm sorry for placing you in that awkward situation and me saying all that unbelievable garbage that I love you in a more-than-a-friend kind of way."

"Garbage?" I mutter.

"Yeah. And I'm also really, really sorry you got hurt! I feel really bad because of that."

"No, it's f-fine. I'm fine, r-really."

But I wasn't fine. I was heartbroken. I was able to hold in my tears but I knew that I could never be okay. Of course she wouldn't like me! She is amazing and beautiful and talented and perfect and I'm, just Delaney.

The doorbell rang, making us both jump.

"You don't have to have your friends sleep over if you don't feel up to it, I'm sure they'd understand," I offer.

"Actually I think being around friends is what I really need right now."

I nod and fallow her down the stairs to open the door. She was right, after a while with friends she was her happier self again. I didn't know anyone else besides Jo so we basically just spent the whole time quietly talking together. I didn't really feel like I could talk to Izzy right now. I tried so hard not to cry this whole night.

I was wrong before. I did not like what happened at all.

~yeah... sorry, Zo 😇 ~

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