I turn around and bury my face into him and wrap my arms around him to keep him close. I soon fall asleep, happily surrounded by his smell.

Alexander's P.O.V
She is so fucking adorable. She looks so calm and peaceful as I play with her hair between my fingers. I smell it too. God she's intoxicating.

I hear her dad pull into the driveway and smile down at her. He's a good man and he's very good to her. I also know she loves him a lot so I will have to protect him as well.

He opens the front door and I get up from bed, already missing my Katerina. Time to fulfill that bet.

I hide my clothes and slip into her closet. I watch as her father comes in, all smiles once he sees her. She's cuddling a pillow right now, burying her face into it as if it's me. God I love her.

He moves hair from her face and kisses her forehead. Oh no... I smell something...


I watch him leave with a bit of skepticism. Is he a vampire too? Or was one passing near by? I can't be sure. I brush it of for another time. If he was a vampire, he would have smelled me. Right?

I climb back into her bed and snuggle into her, replacing the pillow with my body. She instantly responds to my touch with a moan in her sleep. Oh hell. That was hot as fuck.

I feel tiredness gnaw at me until I finally fall asleep, little Katerina tucked safely in my arms.

Katerina's P.O.V
I wake up and open my eyes, looking into his icy blue ones while he watches me. I smile and kiss him softly. His fingers are tracing soft circles on my belly and my hands have moved into his hair.

His hand moves to my waist, which he uses to pull me closer and his tongue goes into my mouth. I find my self battling him for dominance, wanting to win but accepting the fact that I didn't.

"Alex, my father is here." I say, trying to push him away from me with a giggle.

"No sweet Katerina. He left hours ago."

"What!? What time is it?" I ask, suddenly wide awake.


"Okay. So we aren't late."

"But we also made a bet and I believe I won." He says, kissing my neck and I involuntarily moan.

"Is this going to hurt?" I ask.

"No... I promise it won't hurt too bad."

Suddenly I feel his teeth sink into my flesh. At first it hurts, really bad. But that pain is soon forgotten when a deep, amazing feeling spreads through my body as he drinks from me.

My hand goes to the back of his neck to pull his head closer. This encourages him to move his body and straddle my waist.

Within a flash our roles have been switched and I'm on top and his fangs have left my throat. His hands go to my hips and mine go to his shoulders, gripping tightly as I move my hips a little. He groans loudly and I smile down at him.

"Katerina." He hisses.


"Woman... You don't want to start this now. I won't be able to stop."

I move my hips slower this time, ignoring his warning. His eyes close and this time he moves with me. I feel his hard bulge against my underwear and a slight moan escapes my lips.

He rushes to rip my shirt off and I rush to take his silky boxers off. He slips my panties off while we begin kissing feverishly and my breasts get taken into warm hands.

Invade me (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now