Chapter 6 ~ Locked Together

Start from the beginning

     "Why shouldn't I?"

     This comment stopped him. He stood staring intently into my eyes before turning towards the door. "C'mon, Happy. Let's go home." Happy was standing in the hallway next to Lisanna and he responded to Natsu's comment by slamming the door in Natsu's face. I heard Lisanna's voice through the door. 

     "You are not going home until you talk normally to Lucy. I'm tired of seeing her sad all the time and seeing you flirting constantly. Talk. Now." 

     Natsu pulled at the doorknob that they switched around so the lock was on the outside. Somewhere in the chaos of insults and smart comments, we had ended up back in my room, and now we were stuck there. 

     Natsu groaned, "Lisanna please let me out! I know she doesn't want to talk to me." 

     My jaw hit the floor. Is he that dense? Did he never grow up? I was standing right there. "Who said I didn't want to?"

     He turned back to face me. "I just assumed you were still pissed about a few days ago."

     "Well yeah, but that doesn't mean I don't want to talk to you. I'm still wondering about half the things you accidentally told me in your rant and the stuff that Lisanna vaguely told me."

     His head that had wondered from my gaze came quickly back. "What did Lisanna tell you?"

     "Not much. Just how you missed me and then disappeared a couple times, each time coming back different than the last. She said you went to jail... And that you had a crushing story. And you told me that you were trying to save yourself. So all in all, I can get over a little bit of drama and come to my senses." 

     He sighed wearily and sat down on my bed, his bangs covering his eyes, his head resting in his hands. "It's been a long few years for me. I guess I lose my temper sometimes. I'm sorry for shouting the other night. You were just mad about me not showing up. But I didn't forget. I just got caught up in some... nothing."

     I sat down beside him, making the bed creak. The silence was deafening. "Some what, Natsu?"

     "Some bad shit. Okay, Luce? I really screwed up this time and I have to fix it or..." 

Natsu's POV

     I stopped talking and let the sentence dissipate into the cozy little room. I didn't want to trouble her with annoying complaints of mine. These were my problems and mine alone. 

     Her small voice pulled me out of my sad trance, "What happened, Natsu? I think both of us have had a lot of crap in our lives... A lot more than the other realizes. You think I just disappeared don't you?"

     I nodded my head to the best of my ability. Now that I thought about it though, something bad had probably happened to her to cause the disappearance. 

     "I didn't. My dad took me in. I had to move in with him after... after..." A shivery breath caused me to look up at her face. Her blond hair was covering the majority of her upper half but I could see the tears falling onto her jeans. I didn't know what to do. How do you calm a girl down? 

     She continued before I could figure it out. "After mom passed away... She was more sick then she was letting on and that day I left for good she was... Coughing blood and dying. She had pneumonia but wouldn't see a doctor. Her lungs collapsed. She died right after she said goodbye to me..." Another shuddery breath was drawn into her now heaving back. "Father came and took me to his house. He hated me. I don't know why but he did. He didn't talk to me, look at me or attempt any kind of interaction except to tell me what to do. But I was little. I wanted him to be my friend. I tried showing him my keys. He freaked out and hit me... I was eight. He forbid me from using magic ever again. So I had to study in secret. Calling out my friends only when he was out on a business trip or after school when he thought I had practice or a meeting. This went on for five years, until finally he found out when he got my acceptance letter to FTA before I could get it. Furious, he hit me again and again. I cried for hours after he left, screaming about what a failure I was and how he'd never allow me to go to "that stupid fairy school". I crawled back to my room and called on Virgo, one of my spirits that I had acquired in secret. I told her everything and she fixed my bleeding and bruised body.

      After that, I kept the keys safe and hidden, told father that I had rid of them. He insulted them and my mother..." One more shuddery and shaky breath. "FTA sent several more letters and even called, trying to get some kind of response, but every time they did, father beat me, thinking I had tried to go again. It wasn't until one day, the principal appeared at our door. Telling father about my grades and smarts in magic. Saying I showed great promise as a mage. Father became enraged at his talk, quickly telling principal Makarov to leave." She stopped for a second. The tears kept falling onto her lap and I just sat silent like an idiot. 

     "But then Makarov did something amazing. He asked my father if he was going to hit me after he left. Father was shocked. I stood outside the door, gaping at what had just happened. Principal then told me to go pack, that I was going with him to study magic at Fairy Tail Academy. As I walked out the door, father told me he never wanted to see me again unless I gave up this "useless lifestyle". I was hurt but also happy to be getting away from the monster who was my father. Makarov brought me here, and told me the school would pay for my apartment and some food as long as I kept my studies up." She looked up at me, eyes puffy from crying so hard, tears still streaming down her face. But she smiled brightly at me, "So I guess it wasn't all bad. I mean I came here and now I'm talking to my best friend again." 

     I looked down. "My story hasn't had it's happy ending yet... You don't wanna hear about me." 

    "Like hell I don't. Please, Natsu I want to help..." She begged and I looked up at her. That face that had plagued the back of my mind for so long was finally back with me again, and I was restraining from even speaking to her. 

     "It all started when I was six..."


Thanks for viewing! I know I'm not the best writer but if you like it, let me know! I'm excited for this story. 


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