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As he watched her sleeping form, Erik wondered what he had done to deserve such a beauty to come to him so willingly. When he awoke in the wooden chair, in the dead of the night, after a couple meals were forced down his throat by the Lestats, he thought it all a dream until he felt her cold hand in his and he realized just what reality had in store for him.

The morning went slowly.

Arielette stirred before the rest of her family did, and Erik was mere inches away from her bedside when brown eyes met his.

"Erik," she croaked, and it was the most unpleasant sound either of their musical ears had ever heard, but they laughed all the same.

Arielette's laugh was weak, and so was her grip on his hand, but her smile was glorious. It took everything in Erik not to simply fall atop her and embrace her in relief.

"Arielette, you have no idea how worried everyone is about you."

She smiled again, squeezing his hand, feeling her very own lack of strength, but there was no worry in her crinkled brows.

"How'd you get me here?" It was a dry wondering, but a clear one all the same.

"Carried you, then stole away in a carriage, escaping my gypsy watch, who I think may have been the reason you were hurt. No one has ever visited me as much as you have, and I am sorry you were hurt because of me."

Erik was then holding her hand with both of his bony ones, looking at the wall her bed was pushed against, not daring to see her realization. It wouldn't be long before she truly saw his blame and decided he wasn't worth it.

"You silly fool. I know that we are still practically strangers, Erik, but it's not your fault I was hurt. I still quite fancy getting to know you, no matter what you may think. Also... someone is going to have to go back and get the horse I left there."

Erik chuckled, at a loss for words with more kindness thrust upon him.

"What is the time?" Arielette wondered after a moment of silence and smiles was shared between them.

She was thrilled to have awoken to Erik, though when the man had slit her throat, she wasn't worried of death or anything at all. If death came, that would have sufficed, but having Erik save her like a knight in shining armor was a much better result.

"Probably about seven."

"My family won't be up for some time, have you slept?"

Erik yawned, and he felt fate laugh at him in its wake.

"Did you sleep in the chair all night?" She harped, and he soon shook his head, lying to appease her.

"Just a little while, the rest I sat vigilant and attentive," he said, jesting, but it worried her greatly.

"You must sleep! My brother has a spare bed, just sneak in there like I'm sure you're capable of. Besides, he sleeps as though there is no such thing as sound."

Arielette was attempting to pull her hands free of Erik's hold, but he didn't want to let go just yet. Sleep was an unnecessary luxury for him, and he could certainly go without it for a few days.

"No," he determined finally, "I am too worried about you, I shall stay here. Please just let me do this, not all of us have no fear."

The theory had now been confirmed by father, mother and brother alike, so Erik could no longer have a doubt of her strange affliction. He didn't know whether the attribute was a curse or blessing, but if it was applied to the beauty, it had no choice but to be a gift.

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