Chapter 2

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Paige pov.

Michael ❤️😍

P: hey
M:happy 4 month anniversary baby❤️
P:same to you too babe, I love you #irresistible
M: I love you too #gorgeous so what do you wanna do today, whatever you want.
P: well... My best friend Lakyn you've met her once or twice, any way her anniversary with her boyfriend is coming up in a couple days and me and her were talking about having a double date tonight is that ok with you if not we can go c a movie
M: sure double date sounds like fun.
P: yay! Awesome c u tonight then oh and Kirsten invited us to poker night and we're going and her brother my ex-boyfriend will be there don't start a fight with him PLEASE ok gtg bye
M: uh ok sure cool bye babe

That night

Hey Lakyn,"Hey chic, hey Michael."
"Hey Lakyn,"He says. Ok come on let's go to vertical jump! "Oh joy, Vertical jump yay." Justin says sarcastically. God Lakyn your boyfriend is such a downer.i say playfully. "Whatever." She says sticking here tongue out.

☮ short chapter I know sorry guys.☮

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