'He was here! The blood-paint is still fresh, he was just here a second ago!' Sakura let a frustrated sound as she brought her shaking hands to her head as tears fell silently. She had to get out of here was her only thought at that moment, but her legs gave out as she started to slide down the fridge. Now completely sitting on the floor, she hugged her knees to her chest and sobbed into her lap. Where? Where did he get the blood?! Dammit! Why? W-Why me?! She stayed at that position for about 5 minutes till she realized that the intruder could still be here. Sakura slowly got up with her legs wanting to give up from fear, but she didn't let herself. With wobbling legs, she made it the kitchen counter and grabbed a sharp object. She quickly scanned the room again, but this time with more confidence in herself. Noticing that she was alone in the kitchen, she tighten her hold on the sharp object telling herself that she couldn't let her guard down. Wiping the tears of her face with her other hand, she swallowed the lump in her throat. Closing her eyes as more tears tried to escape her, she walked into the middle of the living room.

"Show yourself."

No respond. The house was quite as usual, the only noise was her heavy breathing and her pounding heart. Gritting her teeth, she was slowly scanning the living room. 'DAMNIT SAKURA! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE?! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!' Inner Sakura rudely interrupted Sakura's scanning of the living room with panic in her voice. 'Y-yeah' Sakura then slowly made her way upstairs to her bedroom; she needed her phone.

Once she made it to her room, she quickly grabbed her phone but just as she was going to leave, she stopped to stare at her computer thinking what the hell he wanted from her. But panic took over her as she turned on her phone and dashed out of her room and her way out of her home. Not even locking the door considering that she was on a mind panic again.

She was running as fast as her legs can, not glancing back one bit knowing that if she did, she'll fuck up somehow. She called the only person that would take her in no matter what, Ino. 'Come on Ino! Pick up the damn phone!' Sakura was already making her way to Ino's house, but it would take forever to get there by foot.

"Fore~ yawn~ head? Its midnight..." Ino's tired voice came out of the phone's speaker.

"Ino! I-I need you to pick me up! S-someone broke into my house, and I didn't know what to do s-so I ran from my house!" Sakura sobbed out, panic was clearly heard in her voice. Tears wouldn't stop flowing from her fearful eyes as she kept running never looking back.

"Sakura honey, I need you to clam down! Where are you at? I'm coming for you sweety just need you to clam down so you can tell me," Ino was clearly now awake with the worry and panic in her voice. Shuffling could be heard as Ino was trying to find her keys to her car.

"I'm c-close to our childhood p-park. Ino I'm seriously freaking out. Please come quick!" Sakura sobbed out again as she ran a few more blocks to make it to the park. Sakura knew Ino would take awhile to get here considering that Ino lives a hour away from her.

"Sakura, I'll try to get there as fast as I can! Just make sure that your not being followed." Ino's voice leaked out of the phone signaling that she was worried. An engine of a car could be heard from Ino's side of the phone.

"N-no, there's no o-one here," Sakura teared eyes were scanning the park looking for a sign if anybody was following her. She quickly walked to the set of swings that Ino and her used to play with when they were kids. She sat on the swing making a squeak sound signaling that the swing was old and a bit rusted.

"Okay, good just... Hang tight till I get there"

"O-okay," Sakura at the moment felt the need to stop the tears, angry at herself for not fighting back. Coward! At that single thought, she clenched her fist to the point were she drew blood out. She knew that she could of particularly done nothing really, considering that he could of had a sort of weapon. But the fact that she didn't at least try to do something pissed her off. 'The cops! Why didn't I think of that!' Angrily, she made herself towards the water fountain close to the park restrooms. Cleaning the wounds she inflicted onto herself, she winced as the water made contact with her open wound. The restrooms were locked by this time so she couldn't really clean it but rinsing it was better than nothing.

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