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» it's february twenty-second.

i said i wasn't going to do anything for your birthday, but maybe i lied.

it's kind of difficult to make a birthday special when you have to do it through messages and special little things like this, but i really am trying my best. so yeah, this will probably be really long.

you were born on this day many, many years ago. maaaaany years ago. many.

i'm not sure why you weren't born in the same state as me. that's really unfair, when you think about it. there's plenty of room here.

but anyway, for some reason, you weren't (as sad as that is). if it weren't for the little website/app that i'm writing this on now, we would have never met. so, wattpad, thanks.

speaking of meeting, we met a long time ago. we're getting at three years, mate. for the first year, we were chill. you know, just pals conversing every now and then. but sometime before our wwa concert, things kind of changed. we decided that we wanted to meet up there- we made signs and everything. that was a hectic night and there were thousands of people in one place, so unfortunately, that didn't happen.

but because of that concert, we started talking more and more until it eventually became an all day kind of thing. we would have conversation after conversation, whether they were dumb and short or lengthy and actually meaningful.

winter break of 2014 was when we got really close, if you remember that. i added you into a group chat with maira and another pal of mine (that was a great group chat while it lasted) and we started skyping. we were practically inseparable for those three weeks, and when school started back, we remained close.

you eventully became like. everywhere, mate. kik, wattpad, tumblr, snapchat, instagram. we didn't have a problem keeping in touch.

lately, it's been more difficult, but that's okay because you're still my best friend.

it's always been so easy talking to you. i could just talk and talk and talk and it felt like conversation would never run dry, which is a very, very good thing. i remember some of our most ridiculous conversations- that's kind of impressive when you think about it because we've had quite a lot of them.

the first time we skyped? i hardly even remember that, but i do at the same time. remember that time we sent each other those skype videos and you didn't talk in yours because you got all awkward? or the first time we "silent skyped" and you danced...? i did some creepy thing with my hand too. i don't even know.

    i've also drawn noT ONE NOT TWO BUT THREE pictures of you. more memories.


and all of the puns we create with my name? maegician, maeke out, maeyo, maershmallow, maeshed potatoes, maete, etc. wow.

    and one time we were singing a song and it was like a performance bUT YOU RUINED IT GOOD JOB KELSEY

     OH OH OH. and that really pretty edit you made me. and all those lil cute things i make you  sometimes?

AND the gifs we use. i try to stick to GOT ones as best as i possibly can. :')

remember how you used to try to stay up late to chat with me? you did a good job for a while. not so much anymore, aha. our late night conversations are rare now, but that just makes them even grEATER when they happen.

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