Break it or Make it

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I grab the two pepsi's and the last two plates and follow Hayden out to the living room. Emerson is stealing bites of James food.
    "Em!" He groans as she keeps stealing bites. I chuckle softly and hand her the plate with food on it.
    "Thank wo." She says stuffing her face. I go and sit next to Hayden. He grabs a blanket and put it over both of us.
I bite into my sesame chicken happily watching the movie. I look at Emerson and James and see them cuddling. James is finishing Emerson's food. I smile and open my phone under the blankets.
I have a text from Easton, a text from Reid and a text from our friend Jadah.
Easton: Hey are you coming home tonight?
Reid: How are the movies? Please don't get close with Hayden!
Jadah: Getting close with the bad boys I see 😍😍😍😉😉😉
Me -> Easton: Nah I'm staying with Em and her boyfriend.
Me -> Reid: I'm not don't worry babe.
Me -> Jadah: Noooooooo 😂😂😂

"Love put your phone away." Hayden says smirking. He read my texts.
"Okay." I say putting my phone down in my lap.
"Good." He says wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Harmless right?
"Shhh!" Em shushes us.
I shake my head smiling as I turn back to the movie.
Once the movie is over we decide to tell funny stories.
"Okay so me and dip wad over there were trying to sneak into a club. So we show up and get out of the car and walk to the guy letting people in. He goes 'Age and ID.' So me and James pull out our fake ID's and hand them to him. He lets us through and when we get in there.... All guys. It was a friggin gay club! So the whole night we pretended to be gay. I got hit on, all the guys veered away from James." Hayden says. I'm sitting next to him crying because I was laughing so hard. Em was shaking her head and hitting James arm.
     "Okay to my defense their were hot girls cause they thought men wouldn't be effected. Little did they know." James laughs.
    Emerson chuckles awkwardly. I decide I will tell about how me and Em met.
"It was the first day of 2nd grade and I was walking into the school and I hear some girl picking on someone. She was yelling at Emerson because Em liked this kid Jacob. So she started calling Em all these names and I walked over to them and socked the girl in the face. She ran away squealing. I got sent home and a call to the parents. I lost my DS and I couldn't see my friends. Which I didn't have until I went back to school the following Monday. Then Emerson and Jadah became my best friends. Jadah introduced me to Reid. We didn't start dating until 8th grade. So 3 years ago." I say. Emerson is laughing her butt off. James is chuckling and Hayden is staring at me.
    "You punched a girl?!" He asks. I nod smirking.
     "Not so fragile am I?" I say looking over gazing at Emerson cuddled into James arm.
     "Does he like her?" I whisper in Hayden's ear. I'm now cuddled into his shoulder. I look outside and it's raining really hard.
    "This is the longest girl he has ever had. I say yes but it will take a while for him to notice." Hayden says softly. I use his shoulder as a pillow.
     Why am I doing this? I didn't even do this until a few months after I started dating Reid. Hold on I don't need to feel guilty I'm not making out.
     "I say another movie?" James says.
      "What about Identity Thief?" Hayden asks looking at me.
       "I like that movie. What about the two cuddle buds over there?" Hayden asks smirking.
      "Yeah we are good with that." James says happily. I laugh at them sitting down hugging.

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