Secret Book Club: 2

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I went to Lacey’s room next and found her unpacking her stuff, folding and unfolding it all very neatly. I cleared my throat and she jumped before facing me. I could quickly tell that she was trying to understand me, it was obvious and very annoying, but I ignored it.

“Will you tell my mom I said sorry and we’re basically best friends now?” I asked, bored with all of this. If I could move out and live on my own, I would.

Lacey looked surprised and confused. I noticed her gaze flicker to her backpack where she was hiding something. “Why would I do that?”

“I’ll bring you cigarettes tomorrow,” I bribed. Scare tactics wouldn’t work on her; her anger would kick in and we would have a full on fight. I didn’t want to waste my energy on that.

She hesitated, her eyes calculating. “Why would I believe you?”

“I don’t expect you too, but if I don’t you can tell her whatever you’d like.” I knew exactly where to get them even though I found the things disgusting.

“Alright, I’m in, can you leave now?”

I hadn’t left the door. “Sure,” I muttered, walking across the hall to the little boy’s room. Hopefully his young age and naiveté would make this easy.

As soon as I opened the door, Jake jumped onto his bed and hid behind the covers. “Please don’t eat me!”

“Kid, I’m not going to eat you,” I exclaimed. “I’m not an alien, okay? I’m just smarter than the average person.”

He didn’t seem to like my explanation. “You’ve been following us.”

“I have not been following you.” This was a waste of time. “I’m like the guys at the circus- you’ve been there right? Good, I’m like the fortune teller, I know certain things.” The words on my tongue had me shuddering, but it would be worth it in the end.

Jake rolled his lips together. “Do you know what my favorite color is?”

His whole outfit was covered in blue; the same blue as his suitcase. Many of the clothes inside were the same; it was so simple even Danny could’ve figured it out. “Blue.”

The kid started screaming, making me jump back. Criminals and antsy police I could handle, a screaming child on the other hand… Not so much.

My mother reached us soon after he started screaming, frowning when she saw me there. “What did you do?”

“I don’t know, I did my best,” I complained.

She sighed in irritation, something I was well accustomed with. “Just stay in your room for a little while, Megan, please.”

“I’d love to.”

I reached my room and immediately locked the door behind me. Then I started up my computer and checked my emails. I had a new one from Colby, the chief of police at the local police station. It read as follows:


There has been another break-in this morning and we need you down here as soon as possible.


The email was short and sweet; only the first of which fitted the policeman. He was barely five feet and always barking orders at everyone. It was entertaining to show how much he couldn’t control me when I went down there; I think it made everyone else jealous.

I grabbed my backpack (not very classy, but it did the job) and slung it over my shoulder. I could’ve snuck out the window, but it was overly complicated and too overused. Instead, I went through the house like a normal person.  Danny, Lacey and Jake were in the living room with my mom and Barry so everyone got to see me come down the stairs.

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