† 1: Apologetic Salmon †

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The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born, must first destroy a world.

With her schoolbag over her shoulder and a suitcase she kept close to her chest, a thin petite figure with messy dark salmon colored hair sailed in the sea of students for their first day of school.

"Sumimasen! Sumimasen! HONTO NI SUMIMASEN!" She apologized to every single person she bumped into which was literally everyone. They didn't mind her though and simply brushed it off.

Cherry blossoms inside the school campus danced in the air, the voices of upperclassmen urging students to join their club, a few cats purring here and there, it was a pretty lively and lovely day.

The midget was able to get into the school building as she tried to catch her breath.

"I'm still not late am I?" She asked herself before shooting a glance at the wall clock in the hallway.

23 minutes.

Her eyes lit up with brightness and satisfaction was painted all over her face.

She focused her attention to the noticeboard. She found her name a few minutes later and tried to search for his name.

"Heh?! We're not classmates?!" She exclaimed in disbelief.

Luckily, nobody was there to hear her.

She took her phone out and scanned if there were any differences with the list she got from email from the list pinned on the noticeboard.

With a defeated sigh, she made her way towards her classroom, her phone safely tucked inside the pocket of her skirt.

"Dear mother in heaven, why aren't things going the way I wanted them to?" She mused in her thoughts. "Why aren't we classmates? It's not like the records state which person here is a relative of mine or not right?"

She stopped in front of her classroom and heaved a sigh before sliding the door open.

She blinked a few times and realized there weren't any people inside. She helplessly shrugged and got in before she decided to take the seat in front of the teacher's table.

If she was at the back, she'll get sleepy. The middle part is usually packed with the noisiest people in the class and she won't be able to hear the teacher clearly. Sitting close to the window makes her lose all her attention in class.

She set the bag and suitcase down next to each other. She reached her hand out and pulled the zipper to open the bag and grabbed a notebook intended for reminders, checklists, doodles, and the like.

She also took her phone out, went to the gallery, and clicked on the picture of the list.

"Akihiko Eiji"

"Akira Madoka"

She liked reading lists whatever it contained and seeing she had a lot of classmates really made her ecstatic.

"Kimiko Momo"

"Kuroo Tetsurou"

Suddenly though, her breathing hitched when there was a towering shadow that swallowed her entire being.

"Do you need something?"

Animatedly turning her head to the right and lifting her chin up, she saw a...

"TITAN-!" Due to too much shock, she toppled off her chair and crashed to the floor.

"O-Oi, are you alright?"

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