chapter 8: mixed emotions

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Evelyn's POV:

"Hi guys. I know its been a while."  I let out a long breath as I stare into my camera. "A week to be exact, but this week especially, was hard to be honest. Yes, it was my birthday. But my birthday was Monday and its saturday now and my birthday was......I don't know."  I put my head in my hands for a while. I didn't know why I was making a video about this.

"Monday was fine but, the next 4 days were good and terrible at the same time. So, I think I'm just in need of a friend now. I have Riley but....I don't know. So, here's a recap of my week so you can understand why I'm like we go."



"Hey Jack. Thanks again for helping me with Josh yesterday. We both really do appreciate it."  I let a smile form on my mouth as I talk with Jack on the phone.

"Don't mention it. I'm always happy to help. Josh is one cool and lucky guy. He has a girl like you in his life."  He exhaled.

Jack has been like this for a while now. All flirty and stuff around me. I never clued in at the beginning, but I realise now that he's being more nice to me.

His compliment sends a huge grin to form on my face.

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