(17) You're Not Here By Accident

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Hi guys! :D

Please vote/comment/fan! :)

ß Those Ways -> ;)

**Attention** Yes, the tenses have changed. I find it easier to write this way. And it’s more effective, I think. So tell me guys, which tense do you like better? Past or present? Comment below and tell me :D

And yes, this is short. I need to start on my homework. But please, still vote.


Chapter Seventeen

My senses come back to me. Goosebumps begin to rise in my skin, and a shudder rakes my body, sending chills to my every nerve. My lips go dry and my ears ring. My toes are numb. I feel death run its caressing finger down my spine. It’s telling me to do one thing and one thing only… run.

That’s when the bullet shot through his head.




“You dropped your keys.” Brent is dangling my keys in front of my face, a sly smirk playing at his lips.

“Again?” I tentatively reach for my keys, my eyebrows knitting in confusion.

“Yes. You’re really starting to scare me…”

“What was it this time?”

“Empty. Not angry…”

I scowl. “It’s just…”

“Another vision?” he asks, crossing his arms.

“I can’t help being psychic, you know.” I stomp my foot on my driveway, my action startling a few birds. I watch as they fly away, into the sky.

“I can’t help being incredibly handsome. But do I stop and stare at myself in the mirror? No!” he exclaimed, his face in front of mine.

“I wasn’t staring at myself.” I glare at him.

“You were.”

I dropped my eyes to the ground. Leave it to Brent for making me feel bad about something I can’t do anything about.

Three weeks past was the first day I discovered my hidden talent. We’d gone back to my house after the Water Park, and Meg suggested Brent and I find out about our other talents. She’s tested me for strength. Knowledge. Element bending. Pain tolerance – which hurt quite a lot, despite Meg’s reassurances of it being merely a small prick to my arm, it still hurt, a lot. And lastly, the ability to see the future.

It isn’t the cool kind. I don’t get to see whatever I want whenever I want. I don’t even get to chose how strong the visions are. Sometimes, they come as just a blurry thought that passes through my mind. Other times they were heavy. The kind you saw in movies. When the character completely drops whatever she’s doing because of them? Yeah, those are the ones.

Only fragments come to me. I never really learn to see or what is going on during them. I hear voices, feels, tastes… but the sight in itself is blurry. Blurs are the only things to see. So, my visions can’t help much.

I just wish they’d stop coming.

Brent seems to be jealous of my ability. He teases me about them whenever he can. Of course, when you measure someone who has a really good memory against someone who can see the future, the latter is sure to win.

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