If Blake was going inside, he had no doubts that he would either have her somewhere close by him or kept locked up in one room so that she couldn't run off. Either way it screamed mistreatment to Reed.

"Anything else, boss?" Fred wondered, sounding so loyal and unquestioning that he couldn't help but smile. Reed contemplated what he wanted.

"The B&B is bound to have security cameras, so I want tapped into that. I've waited long enough for Barry to get his team into action. I want answers and I want them now. We're blacking out the New York team from now on, unless they have anything to tell us. The sharing is over." Reed made the decision instantly. He wanted full control over the investigation into Blake's business. The New York team were good but not as good as he was and it was about time he showed his worth to them and reclaim his wife and daughter. They had been cruelly stolen from him, yet again, by someone who had no idea who he was dealing with.

"Yes boss. Right away." Fred didn't question a single order from Reed. Mostly, it was too ingrained in him to follow Reed's wishes, but it was also because he understood that their team knew the situation, the captives and their boss better than anyone else ever could. He had no doubts that someone was going to complain about their reclaimed power, but it was what it was and everyone else was just going to have to accept it.

As soon as Fred had taken the phone call from Reed, he made sure to take care of everything that he had been asked to do. Then he grabbed Amilo. "I've left Kevin and Noel taking care of the phones. How about you and I head over to the hotel where Reggie's staying and find out what's happening to Olivia?" He suggested, curious to know what was happening himself. They already had confirmation that she was kept in Faith's care but there never seemed to be a moment when Faith was truly left to her own devices. Not without Reggie lingering nearby either getting drunk or making phone calls.

"Alright. But call Kevin and have him add Reggie's mobile and their hotel suite phone to the roster. Reed will want them monitored as well." Amilo agreed with a condition of his own. It would be good to know what Reggie was up to and if he was mentioning Olivia to anyone. Fred did just that and then they headed out to the hotel, hoping that they didn't return with bad news.

"Can you imagine, having your wife and kid taken from you just when you thought everything was settled? It's insane, but at least Murray's spying worked out for the best. If the agency wasn't still keeping track of Reed, he might not have got any official help." Fred pondered as he and Amilo sat in their car opposite the hotel waiting for Reggie to leave. They had overheard from reception that he was due to meet an associate for lunch in their restaurant. It seemed to them, that although Reggie wasn't trusted enough to stay in the B&B where Ayah was being kept, he was being given some authority.

"Yeah, but do you really want the agency keeping tabs on you even after you retire? Maybe the agency's help is more of a hindrance in this case? Reed's capable of sneaking in and out of hotels whenever he wants, never mind when his wife's safety depends on it. Do you really think he couldn't have handled this on his own, quicker and more efficiently than we have?" Amilo disagreed as Fred poured him a coffee from the flask they had brought with them. They were planning on going into the hotel and disguising themselves as room service while Reggie was otherwise occupied. They wanted into his hotel room to see if there was a way to get Olivia out safely and at least get her back with her father. Until then, it was a waiting game for Reggie to meet his guest.

"I just think it's stupid expending this much time and energy of the team, on a job that Reed could do better without us. If Murray hadn't interfered, Reed would have found a way to get into Blake's inner circle without all this hassle. Then all this chaos would be over and Ayah and Olivia would be back with him already." He had no qualms about being brutally honest with Fred. They understood each other well and he would know that whether he expressed his opinion or not, it was just an opinion and held no weight.

Stolen - The Devereaux Case Files Book 4Where stories live. Discover now