Sans x Reader

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"YOU CAN STAY HERE!" Papyrus's eyes lit up with hope.

"Okay!" you did need a place to stay. You didn't have enough money to stay at the Inn. "Would Sans mind?"

"OF COURSE NOT" Papy was happy to have you as a guest, but Sans didn't really seem to like you. You and Papy walked to the house together, you glad to finally have a place to stay. Once you get there, Papyrus opens the door. "SANS I'M HOME! I BROUGHT THE HUMAN WITH ME"

There was just silence.

"THE LAZY BONES MUST BE SLEEPING. NOTHING NEW. I'LL MAKE SOME SPAGHETTI!" he headed to the kitchen to start making spaghetti. Hopefully he didn't put glitter and sequins in it this time.

Once the spaghetti was done you and Papyrus were sitting at the table eating. The pasta was decent this time. Edible for the most part. You heard something move in the doorway. It was Sans.

"Oh, hey Sans"


Sans just pointed at you and looked at Papyrus for answers as to why you were in their kitchen. Suddenly you felt like you were intruding.


"Oh, alright. That's fine with me." Sans said and headed back to his room. Once you heard the door shut you said, "I feel like I'm intruding. It seems like Sans doesn't want me here"


"Well its getting *yawn* pretty late. I'm probably gonna head to sleep if that's okay."


You fell asleep on the couch and found yourself in yet another unpleasant dream about your family on the surface.

"I don't care! Leave then!" your mom was drunk again. Just like every night. Dad was probably out drinking or with some chick from the bar or something like that.

"Fine then! I'll leave! And I'm not coming back!" and you meant it.

~Le Time Skip in dream

You got out your car, not bothering to lock it. Its not like you needed to. Tears streaming down your face you climbed up Mt. Ebott. You heard the rumors that no one ever returns from the mountain. You never hoped a rumor was truer.


You woke up sweating, gasping for breath. Another nightmare from before, when you were on the surface.

"Papyrus? It's 2 A.M what are you-" Sans made his way down stairs to see you. You looked horrible. Tear stained face, sweat on your forehead, and just horrible.

"Oh, (Y/N)" he expected to find Papyrus down here. You couldn't tell in the dark, but he was slightly blushing a shade of light blue. He turned to make his way upstairs.

"Sans?" he stopped.

"Yea?" he didn't even turn around.

"Do you not like me?" Okay now he turned around.

"What do you mean, (Y/N)? Course I like you."

"They why do you avoid me?" truth be told, you liked Sans. Liked Sans.

"I don't mean to" he quietly said after a while. He walked over and sat next to you. You couldn't look at him, even though you knew he was looking at you. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine" it was obvious you weren't. You had your face buried in your knees.

"Don't lie to me."

"No, really I'm okay" you looked at him. He could see right through you.

"Tibia honest your not a very good liar." You could help but laugh at his pun. You loved his puns. "You don't have to tell me its okay."

There was a moment of silence before you spoke.

"I climbed the mountain because I knew no one returned." you could feel Sans staring at you, wanting to know more but not wanting to push you for answers. "I didn't plan on finding the Underground either"

"..." another silence. "(Y/N), I-"

"Don't. Don't say your sorry or any of that stuff."

Instead of saying anything, he just hugged you and said something so quietly, you barely heard it.

"I never want you to feel like that again"

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