XXI. Betrayal & Confrontation

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THE NEXT MORNING I WAKE UP TO sunshine and a slight cold air coming in through my window, and I lift my head groggily.

I realize I'm still at Wild's fortress pretty quickly, though my room is changed slightly. For instance, Argas lays across the foot of the bed, and my things have been laid neatly on the cool stone floor.

I reach out and run my hand through the coarse fur on Argas's back, and his head cocks back to lick my wrist. I yawn and stand, debating what I should be doing. Should I find Sallan, and discuss yesterday's argument? Track down Bene? Have another conversation with Wild?

Finally I just get moving, throwing on my cloak, sliding my rifle over my back, and belting my scabbard around my waist.

Peeking out into the hall first, I dash out the door, followed by Argas. Sallan's door is shut firmly, but I can't tell whether or not he's in. I hesitate for a moment, considering knocking, but I turn away quickly and find my way into a nearby courtyard.

Brushed free of snow and surrounded by a ring of high trees, the courtyard is virtually silent, with the whistle of a songbird here and there.

Every time I hear a rustle or a thrash, I reach for my rifle, filled with the urge to kill for my supper, but I stop myself. Here there will always be food for supper, as much as that steams me, and I don't even have to shoot it.

The rustles continue though, but I ignore them, taking seat on a stone bench set near the door, and Argas lies under it. I run my fingers across the cool stone, thinking over my actions... Those that have passed, and those yet to come.

Argas suddenly growls, and I glance upwards... Right into unblinking black eyes, that stare back at me with a startling intensity. I startle to realize that they belong to muscled and powerful looking black panther, and that more of his kind have slinked into the courtyard from the trees.

"Ilah," the panther hisses at me familiarly. "It's... Delightful to see you again. Of course, last time we met, you simply just had to kill one of ours."

"Well, you killed one of ours," I say, crossing my arms. "So I'd say we're even."

"Perhaps," he says softly, his warm breath hitting my face. "Perhaps not. Perhaps there will be retribution to be called for."

"Perhaps I'll kill every last one of you," I say, quickly pulling my dagger from my boot and holding it to his neck, just as he lifts an enormous paw and presses a razor sharp claw to a vein in my neck.

"At least we have an understanding," he whispers, and pulls away, turning to leap back into the trees with the others.

Stunned, my hand releases the dagger, and it drops to the ground with a clatter as I freeze. I sit for awhile, still shocked at the whole encounter, before Argas nudges me with his nose.

I reach down and stroke his head, before deciding to go and find Sallan. Heading out into the hallway, I hear someone tearing down it towards me.

I continue walking, and in a moment Sallan himself crashes into me, eyes wide.

"Sallan!" I exclaim. "I was just coming to-"

"Shh!" He hissed, clapping his paw over my mouth, and then he takes hold of my arm, dragging me into a random empty room and peering out the door anxiously.

"What is it?" I ask, alarmed, but he waves a paw in my direction, and continues looking out.

Finally, Sallan shuts the door and sighs. "I need a drink."

"What is going on?" I demand, grabbing him by the shoulders.

He brushes me away. "Well... I went to Wild's chambers, hoping to speak with him about the whole killing millions of humans thing. I figured I could find out if he was truly as evil as I once thought he was, so then I really could insist that you not kill him."

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