Chapter 1

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Jane pov...

Today I go to work at the BPD just as normal. We don't have a case so we are just working on paperwork, I focus as much as I can on my work but I keep thinking about how this will be my last day here. I haven't told anyone, I don't want them to know yet. The reason is I signed up for the army and got in, I leave tonight to go fight in Afghanistan.

Korsak notices that I am not concentrating much on my work and asks "Jane are you okay?"
I nod and say "I'm good just thinking"
Frost says "don't think too hard it might hurt"
And then we all burst out laughing, once we calm down and stop we go back to doing our work.

At lunch I go down to see Maura and we talk about random things, as my break is ending soon I go to leave and she asks "do you want to go to the Dirty Robber after work?"
I say "sorry Maura, I can't today. I'll see you later"
She nods and says "ok bye Jane"
I smile and say "bye Maura"
I walk out of her office and go in the elevator to head up to the homicide unit. My thoughts are about Maura and how that is last last time we will see each other for awhile, she doesn't know this but I do. It's sad we have been working together for almost six years now and I am leaving to go to army. I decided to join the army to help more and do what I can, I had been thinking about it for a year before I applied. After I applied I kept it a secret and found out six months after I got accepted, that was two days ago. I didn't tell anyone as I don't want them to know and I don't want them to worry about me while I am gone.

I go back to work and try to act normal and time goes fast and it is home time, the guys say "see you tomorrow" and I say "goodbye guys"
As I leave I go past the cafe and Ma is in there talking to Frankie, they see me so I go over to talk to them. We say hi and Ma tells me how Tommy has been doing really well and is now able to work as a plumber as he is starting up Rizzoli plumbing again, it shut after dad left a year ago. None of us have heard from dad and we don't want to as he caused so much trouble for Ma when he left. I nod and I think that's good Ma has her job in the cafe and lives in the guest house at Maura's but it has become her house, Tommy is working hard to get his life on track and Frankie is about to be promoted to detective it's good as they all are good in there lives now. They say bye and I say "goodbye" and head home. I have so many thoughts going through my head as I walk out the door as this place has been my home since I became a cop 6 years ago when I was 19 and had just left school. It's weird to think that I won't be back for a while but I am leaving and starting a different life.

I get home to my apartment and pack a bag of clothes and change into my army uniform that arrived yesterday. I put it on and look at the name Rizzoli on it and think how it reminds me of the police uniform but this is different and means a lot more to people as it is about being part of a service to help protect everyone when you go and fight in the war. I leave my apartment set up as I will continue to pay the rent so I have the place when I get back. I grab my bag and walk out the door and lock the door before catching a taxi to the airport so my car stays at the house.

I get to the airport and meet up with two other new recruits to the army. We get on the plane and head to Washington DC.

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