Chapter 6

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Hanna's Pov
Right now me and Araya are getting ready for a sky surfing competition. We don't know if Ross and Cameron are gonna come because we got in a really bad fight 3 days ago. They said some  stuff that should not have been said, but the worst part was they said it over text message, it was so mean and hurtful. It really hurt mine and Araya's feelings...I don't know why they would say what they did, but I guess that is just how they feel.
<Hanna's Pov>
"I can not believe them!" Araya says pacing back and forth in my room. "Raya we shoudve saw it coming." I say sitting on the bed trying to calm my angry nerves as well. "I mean we planned to go out all This week just so they can cancel the plans for a party!"."Yes I know its messed up, but maybe if we were in their shoes-","I still wouldn't have left my girls." she says cutting my soap box speech short. "Well then lets me and you have. Girls night it'll be fun." I say putting a smile on my older sisters face.
(Ross PoV)
"Tonight's gonna be crazy dude!" I say as Cameron and I drive down the road."Dude I kinda feel guilty. Maybe we shouldn't go." Cameron says. I look at him like he's stupid," you've been hanging out with Araya way too much. Starting to act like a goody two shoes just like her." I say. Cameron death glares me," Don't talk crap about my girl. I dont do it to yours." he says getting defensive."I'm sorry man. Just chill it'll be fun." I say parking outside the lawn of the house. "Lets go." I say hitting his shoulder and getting out the car. We go inside and the place was turnt girls everywhere. Popular boys like Cameron and I were there. We walked over to the punch bowl and Rebecca and Ashley come up too us. "Hey boys." they say in sync in their naisely voices. "Hey." I say as Cameron doesn't even turn around. "Four waters please." Rebecca tells the guy handing out drinks.

-Rebecca's pov-
Ashley started to talk to Ross and Cameron, but only as a distraction. While they talked I put Alprazolam in Cameron's and Ross's water. I handed them their bottles they thanked me and Ashley and I walked away feeling more evil than ever.

|Cameron's POV|
I took a sip of my water and my body seemed to feel calm but at the same time wired. I looked at Ross and he was in the middle of the dance floor doing some crazy dance moves. I watched him dance for a minute and then everything blacked out.

§Araya's POV§
I was sitting on the couch with Hannah watching The Notebook. Tears streamed down our faces after we both read the recent text we got from Ross and Cameron.
(yes the spelling errors are necessary)
From Ross:
Hey girls! Jusssssttt wnt ed 2 let I 2 no we r gaving a grate time! Theyres lots of fineeeee feemales here to party with. Pokemon..

From Cameron:
Sudiwisbsj Sosjapss eisih jshshs monkeys.. Eieaiak. Kolas...AlHskdj. .bbbbbb

From Rebecca:
Hey ladies. Seems like your boys have found other interest. By that I mean two other totally got cheer leaders. Seems like they won't be home tonight to sleep with y'all. Tata girls.

I ran to the bathroom and began to throw up as Hannah held my hair. She knew I was stressed. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I didnt won't it to be real.

)Hanna's Pov(
I had never thought I would be in this situation. Holding back my older sisters hair while she upchucked in the bathroom toilet. But I knew if I was her I would be sick to. I felt anger, as if I could some how make the boys pay. And make them pay hard.
} End{
Hanna's Pov
We just got to the arena for our competition. We are still ticked off at Ross and Cameron. They didn't even come to the house like they told us they would when they cancelled on us. Right now we are waiting for our group to be called. I was looking around and I looked towards the door and there come Ross and Cameron prancing in while smiling at us.
"Hey, silly" Ross said and went to kiss my cheek but I dodged it. Raya come walking over to me looking mad. She grabbed my hand and started dragging me away.
"What's up with y'all?" Ross and Cam asked in sync.
"Check yalls phone" Raya said and then we walked away.
Intercom:Cloud 9 to boarding area
"Cmon Han, we gotta go board the plane." I heard Raya tell me.
"Okay." I said.
Even though I was mad at Ross, I was still nervous because it's the first time he has ever seen me in a competition. I was about to board the plane when Matt walked up to me.
"Don't worry about him Hannie, your gonna do great" he said to me and kissed my cheek and I blushed.
"Thanks Matt" I said and gave him a hug.
We boarded the plane and sat down.
We soon enough got up in the air about 20,000 feet. I strapped on my board and Raya did the same.
"Okay, girls. Your good to go!" The pilot told us.
"Thanks James!" I said and jumped out. Soon enough I seen Raya come boarding towards me.
"Let's win us another competition sis!" I told her and she smiled and nodded.
-10 mins later-
We have been surfing for about 10 mins. It will take us about and hour to get all the way down. I noticed that it started thundering. All of our other people have already made it down bc they jumped way before us. Me and Araya separated about half way through. I looked at my watch and seen that it was off. I tried to turn it back on and it wouldn't. I was about to unhook my board until it started pouring and a gust of wind pulled me backwards. I screamed. I am currently trying to fight the wind but it's no use. My watch finally turned back on but it wouldn't let me page Raya. I started listening and I heard them say that two members of Cloud 9 were stuck in a storm. Me and Araya.

Ross' Pov.
Right now me and Cam are making a video to play when Hanna and Araya come down. They should be down in about 10 mins.
10 mins later
It's already past the time they were supposed to come down.
I walked over to the tv that was playing and started listening.
Tv:The two phenomenal sisters Hanna and Araya Standfill are still in the air. They should have come back down 10 mins ago and there is no sign of them. They appear to be stuck in the storm. We will update as soon as we find out something.

Oh crap! They are still in the air.
I went and told Cameron and we went to stand over by the trampoline.

Araya's Pov
Me and Hanna have been stuck in the storm for 30 mins now and she is crying her eyes out. She is terrified. This has never happened to Hanna but it has me. I'm used to it but she's not.
"Omg! Raya do something!" She screamed in between sobs.
I looked all around and I looked down and I could see the trampoline.
"We're almost there! Prepare for landing stance!" I screamed and she calmed down enough to get in her stance. We soon enough hit the trampoline. She took her board off as fast as she could and ran to our 'locker' room type area. I ran after her. She was inside sitting on the floor and she was in hysterics again.
"Awh sissy! It's okay, your safe now!" I said and hugged her. Soon enough Ross and Cameron come running in. Ross come over and motioned me away. I scooted back a little and let him get to her.

Hanna's Pov
Raya come in and was trying to calm me down and all of a sudden she moved and Ross' body appeared in her spot.
"Hey, it's okay baby girl! You're okay" He said trying to calm me down. I just pushed him away. I'm still mad at him.
I finally calmed down about 10 mins later and right now Cameron and Ross are taking us over towards the big screen.
They lead us over and a video started playing. Ross' bands song 'If I can't be with you' started playing. Then I seen a bunch of pictures that we have taken. First, was a picture of Raya and Cameron with paint all over them and they are looking at each other and laughing. Next, was of me and Ross with paint on us. I was on his back and he was running.
Then, there was one of Araya on Cameron's back. Next, was a picture of me and Ross asleep and we were cuddling. I guess Raya took that picture. I teared up at that picture. Next was one of Raya and Cam cuddling but they were awake and they were laughing. Lastly, there was just some quotes about guys and girls being best friends. At the end there was a message from Ross first.
It read:Silly, I just wanted to say I'm so sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. My drink got spiked. I never meant to hurt your feelings...again. I really care about you! So dang gum much! It's hard to explain. I would sail across the ocean for you. I love you best friend, I'm sorry.
-Ross ❤️
Then there was one from Cam.
It read:dear, Little bit. I just wanna say I'm so sorry! I never meant to make you stressed or angry. I can't believe I was stupid enough to cancel on you, just to go to some party. My drink got spiked. I just hope you can forgive me and be my best friend again. I don't know if I ever told you, but I can't live without you. I was so mad at myself last month when we hung out with Rebecca and Ashley. I'm so sorry!!
Then the video ended. By this time I was crying my eyes out. I ran up to Ross and he picked me up.
"You're forgiven! I love you too best friend!" I said in his neck. Soon enough I felt him kiss my temple. I pulled back and smiled at Ross and he done the same.

Our boys are the best

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