2. team-building exercises

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Charlotte signed, looking over at Lily. "She's never gonna answer is she?"

"I don't know Char, maybe throwing rocks at her window while she's trying to sleep isn't the best idea." Lily rolled her eyes.

"Okay she's obviously not sleeping. Her light is on!"

"Why couldn't we just knock on her door? Isn't that what normal people do?"

"Because then her parents would answer and you know they're super strict and they would never let her out of the house."

"And screaming her name wouldn't get her parents' attention?"

Charlotte looked at her best friend with her eyebrows raised. "Just get me some more rocks, okay?"

Lily crossed her arms over her chest."Where do I even fi-"

"What are you two idiots doing here?!"

Both Charlotte and Lily looked up to see Reagan poking her head out the window. Her calculating gray eyes flickered between the two of them.

"Finally, what took you so long?" Charlotte asked.

"I think the more important question is why were you throwing rocks at my window at eleven o'clock?" Reagan hissed down at them.

Lily put her hands up in defense. "Hey that was Charlotte's idea not mine."

"Thanks Lily" Charlotte mumbled, elbowing her friend. "Reagan we have a proposal for you, can you come down here?"

"I'd rather not seeing as you have a history of doing rash and stupid things in the middle of the night." Reagan ran a hand through her short, curly brown hair.

"Okay you steal one raccoon from animal control and suddenly no one wants go on midnight adventures with you."

Lily gasped, looking over at Charlotte. "You stole the raccoon? I took the blame for that for weeks! I got grounded because you hid it in my living room!"

"Irrelevant. The point is, I'm not doing anything stupid this time, Reagan. Well... actually it depends on how you look at it, but I swear we're not stealing any rabid animals." 

"It was rabid?!" Lily shrieked.

Reagan sighed, and rested her head on her palm. "My parents would kill me if they found out that I left."

Charlotte grinned. "Your parents would kill you if they found out you use the internet."

"True. Alright I'm coming down, but this better be good."

"Oh it's gonna be great." Charlotte laughed."And wear something black!" She called out at Reagan before she shut the window.

Lily groaned, kicking at the ground. "You still haven't told me what this boycott is going to be."

"I'll tell you once we have the whole team assembled. Then our plan will commence."

"Yeah yeah whatever." Lily said, sniffing.

Charlotte frowned. "Hey, you still sad about Jesse?"

"Kind of. I really liked him." Lily looked at the ground, biting her lip.

"Don't worry, Lil. I promise tonight Jesse's gonna pay for what he did."


Getting the rest of the team was easier than expected.

Unlike Reagan, Anna was eager to get of the house. "I'm so bored I'd do anything at this point." She said, climbing out of her window and down the vines on the side of her house. 

"Well I hope you're up for a good old raccoon kidnapping." Reagan replied.

Anna stopped in her tracks and looked at them in fear. "Wait we're not doing that again, are we? That thing scratched me so deep it left a scar on my arm. And my parents grounded me for weeks. I'm out if we're stealing anymore raccoons."

"Will everybody calm down about the raccoon thing? It was one time, guys." 

Anna raised an eyebrow. "So what are we doing then? And why did I have to wear all black?"

Charlotte grinned. "Well I guess now that our team has assembled, it's time to tell you what I'm up to. First of all, Jesse cheated on Lily."

"Man I'm so sorry, Lil. What a jerk." Anna said, hugging her friend.

"I'm sorry, too. I know you liked him a lot." Reagan added.

"It's okay guys, he was kind of a huge asshole." Lily said, hugging Anna back.

Charlotte frowned at Lily, angry about what Jesse had done to her."Listen we all know that Jesse was an idiot, but this isn't the first time a boy has hurt one of us. I mean we've all cried over a guy at some point. And personally I don't think it's fair. That's why I came up with a plan to get revenge on all the guys who have screwed us over."

Anna grinned. "Well this sounds interesting."

"Girls, welcome to our own little revolution. We're gonna get revenge on all those stupid guys, and we're gonna do it without them knowing who we are. Basically, the four of us are going to be a team."

Lily chewed on her bottom lip, smiling at Charlotte. "You know this actually sounds like fun. I love the whole anonymous thing."

"I don't know guys, how is this even gonna work? I mean we can't just run around town at night and call ourselves a revolution. We would need a plan." Reagan replied.

"And that, my dear Reagan, is why you're the brains. Face it, you're super smart, strategic, and sarcastic. It's the perfect fit." Charlotte said.

"I do like the idea of bossing you guys around..." Reagan trailed off.

"And Anna, you'll be the brawn. You're 5"10, captain of the ice hockey team, and one time you knocked a guy out when you punched him. You're really intimidating and also really athletic, which makes you perfect." 

Anna smiled. "That was so funny when I knocked that guy out. But yeah, this sounds like fun and I love the idea of beating Jesse up, so why not?"

"And Lily, you'll be the undercover agent. You've been the lead role in almost all of our school plays, so you're an amazing actress. You'll pretend to be someone so you can distract the target while we get our revenge."

Lily played with her hands nervously. "I don't know, Charlotte. I'm kind of scared to do some big operation to get revenge on someone."

Charlotte grabbed her best friend's shoulders and looked her in the eye. "Lily, do you want to make all those stupid boys pay for what they did to us? Do you want to get revenge on Jesse for cheating on you?"

Lily paused for a moment, looking down. Then, she slowly looked up and a grin spread across her face.

"Let's do this, Char."

"Alright guys, this is our own revolution. We're gonna do what karma hasn't done for us. Any boy that has ever hurt one of us is going to get what he has coming to him. We're going to do whatever we can to make things even. Tonight, we start by getting revenge on the ultimate asshole, Lily's ex-boyfriend Jesse. We're gonna need to stop by walmart to get a few things first. I'll tell you the plan on the way."

The three girls all looked at each other, excited for what Jesse had coming to him. They all followed behind Charlotte, who turned around and gave them a wide smile.

"Welcome to the boycott, ladies."

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