Tsubaki spoke first. She explained what had happened to make Kid leave school. Leaving out the cutting, our relationship and  the near drowning incident i explained what we were doing to help.

"THEY DID WHAT?!?!?!?"
Lord Death whipped round to his mirror and called spirit, he answered and Lord Death to told him to expell Ikuto, Dare and Taku.

After a minute of silence, Lord Death spoke.

"Thank you Soul and Tsubaki for your help but i can take it from here, Kid come along we going home!"

Kid snapped his head up.

"N-no i want to stay with Soul and Tsu-"

"Come Kid dont be stupid come with me!"


Lord Death sighed and reached his still giant white hands towards Kid. I let go of his hand and wrapped my arms around him protectively. Kid clung tightly to my chest, as Lord Death tried to tear us apart. Tsubaki joined protecting Kid and he eventually gave up.

If it was even possible to see through his mask, i could see the sadness in his eyes. He looked at me and said.

"Look after him ok?"

I nodded.

"Will you come back to school?" He looked at Kid.

"I-i dont know" he whispered.

Lord Death nodded and told Tsubaki to leave with Kid so he could talk to me.

"Is there something your not telling me?"

I looked up at him, "what do you mean?"

He consulted his mirror and i saw the river incident and what happened after.

I looked to the floor.

"Im guessing you were planning to not tell me of this relationship."

I nodded. "We didnt know what you would say"

Lord Death laughed. I looked at him confused.

"Ive been waiting for you two to get together!"

I stood staring at Lord Death.

"Now in all seriousness, you will look after him wont you?"

"Ill protect him with my life!"

He seemed satisfied and i left the room. I opened the doors to find Kid hiding behind Tsubaki and the rest of the group heading this way. I quickly stood next to Tsubaki concealing Kid behind me.

"Soul? You back? Where have you been?" Maka questions filled the air as the drew closer.

"Oh! ... umm just helping out Kid"

"Oh where is he?" Liz asked "is he okay?"

Tsubaki nodded. "He is fine!"

Blackstar frowned and turned to her. "How do you know?"

She froze and looked at me.

"Shes just..."

Maka interupted me.

"She knows whats happened doesnt she, why cant you tell us?"

I felt Kid behind me draw closer to me, signalling not to tell.

"Its not my place to say" i said.

The four didnt look happy.

"We just want to help!" Patty said surprisingly not hyper.

Blackstar had been strangely quiet until he suddenly perked up.

"Why is Kid hiding behind you?"

I felt Kid tense up behind me. Blackstar pulled Tsubaki aside revealing Kid.

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