"The way that the ball was spinning, I've seen that exact spin. I made a catch like that before." I replied.

I was so tired of hearing about that catch. Let alone explaining how I caught it. I get asked the same shit every interview.

"May I ask who or what made you wanna catch the ball with one hand?"

"It was this guy." I replied, pointing at Jarvis.

"Odell what can we expect from you this season?"

Another question that kills me.

"Uh, I can't really say. You'll just have stay tuned and watch." I chuckled.

"Well you heard it here first folks, stay tuned. Thanks Odell."

"Thank you." I replied shaking her hand and walking away.

I walked back over to Juice and waited for kick off.

After the game was over, I tried to find the quickest exit. Fans where scattered everywhere, and I didn't wanna get mixed in the crowd. Kay grabbed my hand,and I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Kay if your grown ass don't let go of my hand."

"Shut up and come on." She snapped, dragging me away from the crowd.

"Kay we can't go this way." I tried to get out of her grip.

"Why not?"

"Maybe you missed the sign that says Players Only Entrance." I pointed.

"You rather go this way, or walk through the crowd." She folded her arms across her chest.

"Ughhh you make me sick Kaysha." I followed behind her.

"I'll be sure to call you a doctor babe." She blew a kiss my way.

"Remind me why I put up with you again." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Because you la la la loovvvvvee me." She smile.

"That's deba-, Shhhhhh." I stopped walking.

"What bit- " I put my hand over her mouth.

"Listen." I whispered.

"I don't hear shit." Kay whisper yelled at me.

"You don't hear those voices coming this way?" I looked at her as the voices became louder.

"What voices?"

"Bye Kay!" I turned to walk away.

"Aye." A deep voice called, making us freeze in our tracks.

"Sneakin' ta tha locka room huh?" I knew that voice anywhere.

I turned around to see Odell and the guy from earlier. Dammit I can't escape this man.

"C'mon Kay." I grabbed her hand.

"Hol up." I heard him move closer.

"What?" I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Whatchu doin in my neck'a tha woods?" He asked.

"Your neck of the woods?" I turned to face him.

"Yea, you came to see me?" He asked with a sly smirk on his face.

"Uh, no." I turned to walk away, but he grabbed my hand.

"Well who ya came fa?"

"My nephew." I answered his question.

"Nephew!" Him and his friend, exchanged a confused look.

"Uh, yea." I replied, folding my arms across my chest.

"Damn! How old are you?" He asked.

"You never ask a women her age. But to answer your question, I'm 21." I replied. They both stared at me with their mouths open.

"Damn." His friend replied, while raping me with his eyes. Odell nudged his shoulder.

"Leslie this is Jarvis, Jarvis this is Leslie." Odell introduced us.

"Nice to meet you Jarvis." I shook his hand. Kay cleared her throat standing behind me.

"Jarvis, Odell this is my friend Kaysha." I spoke.

"She meant her best friend." Kay spoke making Odell and Jarvis laugh.

"Bye Kay." I turned to walk away but Odell followed.

"What's the rush?" Odell called after me.

"I have to find my nephew. I know he's looking for me." I continued walking.

"Who's your nephew." Odell asked.

Damn he ask a lot of questions.

"The one you was dancing with before the game." I answered.

"Really? Bruh can dance his ass off."

"Yeah that's him." I laughed.

"Looks like they hit it off." Odell pointed toward Jarvis and Kaysha. They were both dancing and laughing.

"Yea looks that way huh?" I laughed at the both of them.

"Kinda how we should be." He said, looking around to avoid eye contact.

"Excuse me." I laughed, crossing my arms.

"That could be us, if you let me take you out tonight." He smirked rubbing his goatee.

"Sounds nice but I'll pass. Bye Odell." I replied before walking away.

I could feel his eyes burning a hole in my ass. This man is so consistent. I blew him off several times, and he still won't give up. I know exactly what he's after but he'll never get it from me. 

Why Leslie playin?🙄😒

Odell can't stop, won't stop *P.Diddy voice*😂

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