Its decided

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Y/n shook her leg nervously as she sat outside The office. Worries and anxiety crossed her mind as she reminded herself to take calm even breaths.

A resounding beep echoed from the ceiling.
"Y/n L/n. The Author will see you now."
A voice called out as she jumped to her feet. Slowly, y/n crepted to the door. An uneasy feeling growing more and more the closer she got.

She gently placed her hand on the door, and pushed it open.
Inside the room, she could make out the lonesome figure of the author. Sitting in the room, shrouded by darkness.

Y/n closed the door behind her. She slowly walked forward. Sitting in the chair placed in front of the desk.

"M-ms. Author..." She whispered out. Her form shook as the silence in the room was deafining.

"....I have decided."
Y/n looked at the author.
"W-what did you say?"

The author slowly looked up at the e/c girl.
"I....have chosen." She stated once more.

Y/n's eyes widened as she heard the words come out of the authors mouth.
" cant!"

"Its to late..." The author mummured, sinking back into the chair.

"I simply chose the person with...the most votes..." The words leaked from her mouth as the darkness continued to shride her figure.

Y/n's jaw dropped, as she covered her mouth.
"Y-your a monster..."

Author chuckled as she leaned forward in her chair. Her evil eyes now clearly seen.

"Oh...but that's just the beggining. I haven't even told you my choice yet." She wxcla[med with fake enthusiasm.

Y/n clenched her jaw as she tried to hide her ever growing fear.
"W-who did you choose?"

The AUTHOR leaned back a low laughter emitting from her throut.

"Well...I had trouble some deciding...with all of my sparkles being difficult..."

She stood up. Her face still invisible as the shadows shielded her.

"But...with a bit of...persuasion... I managed to get clear results."

"SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!!" Y/n yelled as she gripped the arms of the chair.

The author stepped up forward, and squated right in front of y/n.
Y/n gasped as she saw the authors face.

"It was Foxy..."
A grin spread across her face, from ear to ear.

"YOU MONSTER!!!!" Y/n yelled. She stood up and slapped the author.

The author chuckled. Which tunrwd into an ear piercing laughter.

"Fool." Was all she said before y/n's heart stopped....

( ಠ_ಠ)
I know....I'm weird...but get over it.

But on a COMPLETELY different note. I was going to make this scene more dramatic. Like I wasnt gonna make the author seem like a Mafia boss or whatever that was.

I was gonna make it seem more sad.

ANYWAY!!! As that ^ author tried to explain to y/n before...ya know...

I chose Foxy. He had the most votes. So I had to choose him.

The story iiiis:

OUT OF ORDER Foxy x Reader

Till next time~

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