Chapter Ten

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Elevators open in time for you to get glimpse of Rex running out of the compound. "REX!" You shout after him. He pauses, looks back briefly before disappearing into the forest.

You look over at one of the motorcycles, "Like cheesecakes you're getting away!" You growl, running after him as the motorcycle comes to life and speeds up to your side. You jump onto it riding after Rex.
"Hey! Wait for me!" Wade calls.
You only look back and give him a slight frown before speeding into the forest. You follow his trail to another compound. He had stopped in the middle of the courtyard, facing you.

You get off the motorcycle and it speed toward him, he catches it easily and turns to toss it back at you. You swiftly shoot the gas tank, making it blow up while it was still in his grasp. He staggers to the side and shoots you a glare.

"Is this your answer y/n? Are you really going to make me kill the woman I love?" He questions as you both start to circle around eachother.

"You only say it's love because you will never be able to control me like Star and Clover," You shoot back, touching the hilt of one of your katana. His eye twitches, "What are you saying? They never compared to you," He replies.

"You're such a frooking psycho Rex, and not the good kind like Wade," You say. He lets out a low growl.

"I'll show you crazy!" He snarls, lunging at you. You slash his arm as you leap out of the way. He snarls, scales forming over his skin as he suddenly turns, snapping at you with pointed teeth. You flip away from him.
"You already have dip weed," You snap. "SHUT UP!" He howls. Something wraps around your ankle and throws you across the courtyard. You go tumbling briefly, digging your fingers into the ground to stop yourself.

You look up in time to lean out of the way of his claws. They slice your forehead. You kick him back and swing your katana, slashing his chest. With a growl, his tail wraps around your wrist that held the katana.
He yanks you toward him, claws glinting. You dodge, unsheathing the other katana and slicing through the tail. He grunts in pain, staggering back. Not giving him time to retrieve his balance, you lunge again. You thrust the blade toward his face. He catches it in his jaws, face morphing into something larger, scalier.
The blade shatters as he clenched his jaw. You flip back a good distance, watching in slight horror as he grows into a dinosaur.

You swiftly glance around, catching sight of a tank. You look back to Rex as he finishes transforming. He charges you and you start unstrapping the weapons that you had on you. Scattering the weapons about, you dart for the tank as it's barrel turns toward Rex.

You leap onto the hatch, turning toward Rex as the tank fires. The recoil almost makes you fall off. You dart up the barrel as the impact from the bullet makes Rex stagger with an inhuman shriek. You leap at his throat, katana glinting. Rex suddenly turns about, smacking you out of the air with his tail. Someone catches you before you hit the ground.

"Babe! Are you okay?" Wade asks. You blink up at him, "I hate dinosaurs," You huff, rolling out of his arms.

"So... What's up with Barney?" He asks. "That's Rex," You tell him, getting to your feet. "Wow.... Your ex must be pissed," He comments. "He's not my ex, he's just another guy who thought he was in love with me," You growl, looking up as Rex regains his balance and looks at you.
Rex lets out a roar, spotting Wade. The tank fires another round at Rex. Rex staggers, turning on the tank and biting it's barrel.
"Really? So you were never-"
"No Wade, he has always given me the creeps," You interrupt as the tank fires again, but thanks to the now damaged barrel, it blows up. The blast knocks Rex over. He reverts to human form, cursing loudly. He gets to his feet glaring at you.

"If I can't have you, then he sure as donkey feet can't," He growls.

"See? He's freaking crazy," You point out to Wade.
"I AM NOT CRAZY!" Rex roars. "Fine, but you are dead," You tell him. He stops in his tracks, just now spotting the guns that floated around him, aiming for him, not just the guns, but also other tanks that were now aiming at him.
He looks about and looks at you, "But I loved you," he murmurs. "Sorry, Rex, but it's not happening," You reply, snapping your fingers. All of the guns and tanks begin to fire, making a cloud of smoke burst up over his body.

"It's over," Logan says. You nod, and turn to Wade, "Lets head home," You murmur with a slight smile. He smiles beneath the mask and hugs you.
"I missed you," He says cheerfully. You hug him back,
"I missed you too," You admit. You pull away, taking out your cell. You call Christa to come pick you up.

"We're home~" Wade cheers, leading into the apartment. "Finally," Peter says, coming over and giving you a hug.
"Thanks a mil Peter," You tell him, kissing his cheek.
"Alright, I have to go, bye Princess Spidey~" He says before leaving. The kitten leaps at you from the back of the couch. You catch her, kissing her furry cheek. "Did you miss me?" You coo. She brushes her cheek against yours, purring loudly.
"Well, I have to take a shower, so love on Daddy for a bit," You say, handing her over to Wade before grabbing some clothes and heading into the bathroom. After cleaning yourself up and getting dressed before heading out. You blink around the empty room.

"Wade?" You huff, looking around warily. You heared him chuckling in his room and curiously peer in to see him playing with Princess Spidey on his bed. You feel yourself smile as well, leaning against the door frame.

Princess Spidey spots you and stops batting at the feather Wade had and mews at you. Wade follows her gaze to you and smiles. "Come on in Babe!" He says, patting the spot on the bed beside him. You gladly come over and sit beside him, gingerly taking the feather from him and starting to play with the kitten. He shifts, "So... Wanna sleep in my bed with me tonight?" He asks.

"Well... If you stink, then no," You say. He leaps off the bed at that, "Then I'll see you after I take a shower!" He chimes, grabbing some clothes and rushing out.

You let yourself laugh in amusement. You play with Princess Spidey for a while, until he returns and swoops onto the bed beside you. "So, did you really miss me?" He inquires. "Maybe..." You tease with a smirk.

"Not as much as I missed you," He says, hugging you. You glance over at him. "Even though I shoot you half of the time. "Especially because you shoot me," He murmurs into your ear. "Crap nuggets Wade," You grumble.

He pulls back, "What? It tru- mmph!" He is cut off by your lips meeting his. "You're so weird," You murmur when you pull back. Wade sat in complete shock for a few minutes. A grin finally spreads over his space. "I'm guessing you like weird?" He huffs.

"I love weird," You chuckle. He softens, "You're not gonna shoot me if I tell you I'm in love with you... Are you?" He asks. Your eyes widen, a blush comes to your face.

"No... Because I think I'm in love with you too Wade," You reply with a smile. "Yess," He hisses before kissing you and holding you close.


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