Chapter two

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"This is...."

'Gross,' You think, looking around the horribly kept apartment.

"It's a slice of heaven! I know!" Deadpool chimes, going past you and toward the kitchen. You had to restrain yourself from shooting him again.

"Are you hungry? I'm making chimichangas~" He calls from the kitchen.

"Not hungry, where should I sleep?" You reply, eyeing the couch warily.

"Well, you could sleep in my bed with me," He offers huskily.

"Couch it is," You decide, going to the couch.

"Aww, but I was hoping we could-" You shoot toward the kitchen, cutting him off.

"I was going to say talk!" he grumbles.

You set your bag down, sniffing at the couch before laying down on it. You close your eyes and try to fall asleep, finding it difficult. You can hear him eating in the kitchen, before coming into the living room and pausing. Hearing him approach, you touch your pistol.

"Night y/n, sleep tight," He whispers before leaving. You soon hear snoring in the next room. You sit up, looking around the dark, filthy room.

"I'm better off back at my own apartment," You mutter, rubbing your neck.

'Yeah, great idea bunking with a complete and no doubt crazy stranger.... Your parents would be sooo proud... Whoever they are,'

You think to yourself. Letting out a dry laugh, you get up and head into the kitchen. Opening the fridge you let out a sigh. Typical male. Shaking your head you grab one of the beers and straighten up.

"Oh well, I need one of these anyway," You grumble opening the bottle and drinking. You lean back against the counter, looking up at the ceiling.
"It's going to be a long week...."
Im a barbie girl!! In a barbie wo-
You wake up slightly and answer your cell.

"Make it fast so I can return to my dream," You say grumpily.

"Alright! Listen up! I want more pics of the guy that Spiderman was fighting last time," Your boss says.

"Deadpool?" You question.

"Whatever! Just get me more pictures!" He says before hanging up. Now too annoyed to fall back asleep, you sit up.

'It's ten huh? I wonder what time he wakes up? Should I make breakfast?' You wonder, glancing over at the closed door.
The growling of your stomach answers your question.

"Ah well, he doesn't seem like the type to get mad easily," You murmur before going to the kitchen. You found pancake mix... A lot of pancake mix.

"He really has a limited menu..." You comment before shrugging and starting to make pancakes.
You hear him shuffling toward the kitchen.

"There she is! Morning babe!" He says cheerily, smacking your butt. You calmly take out your pistol and shoot at him, making him retreat to the living room.

"My name is y/n.... I made you breakfast but now I think I'm going to feed it the rat hiding in the cabinet," You tell him.

"Aw babe! You made me breakfast!?" He gushes peering around the corner. You give him an annoyed scowl.

"Why do you have your mask on first thing in the morning anyway?" You ask, setting the plates down.

"Cause my mask is awesome," He chimes, taking the plate.
"So.... Do you plan on doing anything interesting today?" You ask has he lifts his mask to reveal a badly scarred chin.

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