Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12

I wake up to afternoon sunlight, streaming through the windows.  I am in the big bed at the very front of the trailer which is room all on its own (more like a closet). God this bed is uncomfortable. Why does my head hurt so much... oh right. I look out the window and see the tree's blowing in the wind, the birds flying, peaceful.

I shift in the bed and try to extend my limbs so that I reach the coolest spots on the bed, but I am hit something. I turn with a groan to see Aidan layingin bed next to me, asleep. Men.

"Hey!" I say nudging him, "hey, my great protector, wake you," I start shaking him.

"Umm, what!" he says and jumps up in a start and looks around, he looks at me and rests back on the bed.

"Were you suppose to be watching me?"  I say and roll closer.

"Well, umm, maybe, I was suppose make sure, yes." He says and puts his head down.

"Nice. How long have I been out?"

"Well we got to the waterfall at 1:00 and you hit your head around that time and its 5:00 now, so four hours," he says and lays his head down next to mine. 

"Well, now I'm gonna be awake until 3:00 in the morning."

"I can think of a few things we can use that time for," he says with a wicked grin on his face. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. I run my hand over his cheek, I brush a black curl behind his ear. He comes in closer, our lips touch lightly, fire coarses through me. I want more and I get it. I bite his bottom lip and put my leg over his and bring it higher up. I pull on his hair and run my hand under his shirt over his chest. He rolls so that he is on top of me, I wrap my legs around him. I press the small of his back closer while I cup his neck with my hand and he runs his hand down my thigh, then he stops.

"Iva, did you see how you slipped?" he says as he pulls away to hover above me.

"Uh, no , I slipped off a rock. How else would it have happened?" I say as I rest on my elbows.

"Someone pushed you," he says his face starting to look more intense, angry.

"Who would push me?"

"Elton, he pushed you. Your mom and aunt weren't paying attention, and your sister and dad were swimming back towards the rocks, Lina was under the water. I came up just in time to see him push you."

"No, Elton wouldn't do that. He may be a rude, selfish bastard, but he wouldn't do that, god knows I would rain down fury upon him." I say this and push Aidan off me fuming with rage. I realize that I'm still in my bathing suit. Great.

"Really, you don't think he'd do it? Because I do, I saw him!" He says as he sits up.

"Oh just shut up," I say stomping out of the room.

I walk to the back of the trailer to get out of my bathing suit. I take it off and put on baggy pants and a big t-shirt. I hear stomping and the pull down slides back and Aidan walks through.

"Why don't you believe me?" he says as he moves closer.

"Because its ridiculous, why would he do it?" I say and put my face so close to his, our noses almost touch.

"I don't know, cause he's a little shit. All I know is that if you don't do or say something, then I will." his eyes burn and then he turns and leaves.

I sit down and contemplate what Aidan is suggesting. I mean it makes sense, Elton was right behind me and I did feel that pressure in my back. I just can't believe that he would do something like that, and why would he do it. If he did do it I know one this for sure, his ass is dead.

                   *                                                            *                                            *

No one talk's while we sit around the fire, which is weird, who doesn't talk around a fire. I guess my family is the exception, since we all have our noses stuck in a book, except Elton, who pokes at the fire. I glance at Aidan and he's glaring at Elton, like he wants to kill him.

"Well, I'm going down to the lake," I say as I stand up from the bench.

"Okey dokey," my dad says as I walk towards the pitch black lake, the fire being the only light.

I try to make my way down and stumble on rocks and bang into a tree. I yell and swear.

"You okay down there?" My mom yells.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright, just bumped into a tree, you know usual stuff." I say as I keep moving towards the shore line.

I move slowly until I'm at the rock people bake on, I stop and lay down and stare at the night sky. The stars are so beautiful, little holes of light. It's sad to think that one day there will be no stars, that the sky will be empty on the night's when the moon hides away. Though the stars are dim they make up for it in they're multitudes, it's hard to imagine a place so big, a place with no true end.

I hear foot steps on the rock, I see a shadow beside me, but that's all it is and I can't make out a more precise figure.

"Who is it?" I ask as the shape lays down beside me.

"It's just me," Aidan says in his husky voice.

"Oh," I say I look back at the sky with an invisible grimace on my face.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I guess I just needed to blame someone. I was scared," he says as he takes my hand in his, his palms are rough against mine.

"It's fine that you were scared, but you can't just go around and blame someone for something they didn't do." or maybe they did do it. I twist to face him.

"It's all over now, your alright," he caresses my cheek. Our lips touch lightly for a brief moment and then I hear it, a scream.

I shove away from Aidan and stand up and see everyone around the fire walking toward our out house hidden behind tree's. I rush up to them.

"What the hell happened?" I ask Lina as I come up beside her.

"Don't know, Elton went to the wash room and he didn't come back for a while , so my mom went to see what was taking so long."

We keep walking up until we reach the path to the out house. I freeze when I see what's in front of me. Elton, lying on the ground pale with blood around his head and my aunt Lucy crying over him. She takes his head and cradles it in her lap.

"Bobo, sweetie, wake up," she says as she wipes blood soaked hair away from his forehead.

"Is he breathing?" Eli ask's.

"Yes, but it's very weak," my aunt says in a whimper.

"We have to get him to a hospital," my dad says as he reaches for  Elton's legs.

"What happened?" my mom asks as we move for my dad's van.

"He came, up, to go to, the washroom, he didn't have a, flashlight, he must of tripped, what else could have happened," my aunt lucy says in between sobs as she and my dad manoeuvre Elton's long, gawking body into the van.

I look at Aidan, who stands in the back, I'm disturbed by what I see. Aidan's face is half hidden by shadow and he has a smile on his face. His eyes look black, but they have a gleam to them, a strange gleam that frightens me, he frightens me.

The Girl and The AssholeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora