6: I Arrive Somehow

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I slowly open my eyes to quickly get blinded by a piercing light. Ugh. Wait a second. Where am I? I quickly sit up and bonk heads with a girl that was beside me.

"Sorry!" I apologize quickly putting a hand over my mouth. "Are you okay?" She was a pretty blonde girl who was wearing an orange camp T shirt.

She turns to me with two fingers on her temple. "I'm perfectly fine. If anything I should be apologize; I was the one that was hovering over you like a creep." The pretty girl laughs throwing a grin in my direction. "I'm Annabeth by the way." She sticks out her hand to me.

"Delilah." I simply smile and shake her hand softly.

"You're probably super confused... I'll go get Chiron to explain everything! Be right back!" I lay my head back onto the soft pillow sighing. She was right... I was extremely confused about the whole situation. Maybe this Chiron person would be able to tell me who she was. First my "parents" started talking about her then that creepy creature. Something just didn't seem right about the whole thing. I just couldn't figure out whose side she was on. The fake parents said that she did terrible things and that she was the reason that everything was so messed up. Then the voice said she had defeated him once and he wasn't going to let her beat him again. Then he said something about a sky demon. What's a sky demo-

"Hello Delilah." Mr. Brunner? What was he doing here? "My name is Chiron, I am the trainer of heroes."

"But I thought you were my Latin teacher." As if I wasn't confused enough...

"That was my fake identity for trying to help you and Percy. You know you're a demigod, correct?"

"Uh yeah . Where are Percy and Grover?" I question scrunching my eyebrows together. I wasn't quite sure about what had happened after I hit the tree and blacked out. What if they died? "Did they die? Are they okay? What happened to the voice?"

Chiron chuckles. "They're fine don't worry. You can see them when you have healed up." Annabeth comes rushing in with a sandwich baggie filled with what looks like hobo taffy. "Come to my office when you two are done here." With that he wheels out of the room leaving me with the blonde.

"Here's the ambrosia!" She opens the baggie and breaks off a small corner. "Open up!" I slowly open my mouth giving her a 'what is this' sort of look. "It's delicious, trust me." She plops it into my mouth without another word.

The sweet taste of the ambrosia fills my mouth and dulls all the pain in my head. "What the... My head doesn't hurt anymore! It's a miracle!" Annabeth laughs at my reaction.

"You're a very interesting girl you know. I think I like you." She smirks.

"Thank you Annie. I think I like you too. You seem very kool....with a K."

"Why thank you. You are pretty kool with a K too." We giggle together at our childish behavior. "I should probably take you to Chiron's office; he'll answer all your questions. You probably have a ton of 'em. I know I did when I first got here." She takes my hand and practically drags me out of the door. "This is so exciting!"

"Yep." My mind was swimming with questions. How did I even get here? What was the black chemical smoke that attacked me? And where the frook were Grover and Percy? Are they even here?

Annabeth pushed open the door as we reached the end of the hallway. She opens it and shoves me into the office and shuts the door. "Good luck!"


I push Delilah into Chiron's office and slam the door. I sigh letting my smile slowly fall from my face. I would have to come back for the new girl later. For now I need to check on Grover and the boy.

I knock on their door softly. It was quite unusual for them to be together in one room with Delilah in the other. I put the vexing thought aside and walk into the room when I hear a promising "Come in!".

"How are you feeling Grover?" I ask tilting my head to the side slightly. "Do you want some ambrosia?"

"I'll take half a square." He croaks miserably. I frown at him in pity, but I fish out the ambrosia anyways. I hand it to him, his eyes sparkling like the stars. "Thank you." He quickly puts the ambrosia into his mouth and sighs in pleasure.

"Feeling better?" I smirk seeing the satisfied look on his face.

"So much better."


"But who is she?" I ask once again. It was beginning to drive me crazy. I was starting to think that I was the only one who had even heard of her.

"Your mother?" He shrugs, suggesting the idea. Ugh. Like I haven't thought of that before.

"You're supposed to know everything!" I screech throwing my hands up in the air.

"Chiron, Aphrodite is here." A girl sticks her head in the room looking irritated.

Chiron sighs also looking irritated. "Tell her I'll be right there." The girl leaves the room just as Chiron's body begins to morph. My mouth drops down to the floor. "As much is I'd like to continue this conversation, there is a Goddess waiting for me. Bye bye!" With that he gallops out of the room. I'm so confused with life right now.

I walk out of the empty office wandering around to find Annabeth. I look around in distress. This doesn't look very familiar. Hmm... I turn right. Yep I'm even more lost; this place is confusing and unusually large.

"Are you lost?" I turn around to see a blonde boy standing before me. He was slightly taller than me and was wearing the same orange shirt as Annabeth.

"Um yeah. I'm Delilah." I wave slightly looking like an idiot.

"I'm Luke."

Yay! Sorry I took longer than expected to finish this chapter. Hope you all loved it. Kisses!

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