"I miss you"

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"Please please just let me go, I won't say a word" He punches me in the jaw shutting me up, I didn't know how much longer I could take this

(Sorry I know Toby's POV'S are quite short)


I quickly put my jumper on I open up my closet grabbing a pair of shoes when I spot a black box in Toby's jacket. I grab the jacket holding it close to my chest before taking out the black box opening it I smile sadly holding back the tears. It was a necklace with the letter S I start to cry again missing him I put it on "I miss you" I whisper out loud grabbing my bag and leaving to go and get Alana from Aria and Ezra


The men we're gone they'd tied me up to the pole still, They asked how long it would take before someone found me and I wondered the same thing I was in the middle of nowhere, My phone started ringing but it was still sitting on the table and I was on the floor Shit!

I start to push the table closer before kicking it down to the ground things falling off cigarettes scattered everywhere. My phone was still ringing I kick it towards me answering it with my foot


"Toby!, Oh my god It's Tanner where are you?"

"Tanner! I have no idea where I am it's in a small little cabin near a like near by" I was so relived to hear Tanner's voice at least she knew I was alive

"We can trace the call and find out where you are it's okay"

"T-the men there gone, They left me here wondering how long it would take for someone to find me"

"Toby Listen to me I'll bring you home, I'll bring you home to Spencer and Alana Just stay where you are"

"Spencer, Is she Okay?"

"She's doing as well as can be expected"


I run into the hospital finding Toby's room I notice Tanner standing outside of it I run towards her she smiles opening the door for me. I walk in tears shimmering In my eyes Toby holds out a hand I quickly place mine in his he grips me closer kissing me gently "Jesus Toby you were gone for 2 weeks and a half don't ever do that to me again" I cry he rubs my back trying to clam me down "I'm sorry baby girl, I'm here with you now that's all that matters"

Spoby:5 Years forward(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now