I was fast to run up the stairs. The wet clinging clothes were quiet frankly very uncomfortable to wear. Troye was quickly moving past me into his room. He speed walked over to his wardrobe, he pulled out a fresh jumper and threw it on his bed. As he was prancing around his room pulling out different articles of clothing, I awkwardly stood in the doorway.

"What are you waiting for? Grab a t-shirt and some sweatpants and get changed in the bathroom. Unless you like the feeling of wet clothes."

"Oh." I picked up a blue t-shirt and a pair of grew sweats (which hopefully fit me) and I went back out to get changed.

I got changed in less than five minutes. The feeling of fresh clothes already making me feel better. I had the damp clothes in my arms, I was hoping to put it on the radiator in the bathroom but that one already had towels and such thrown over it.

"Troye? You dressed or should I stay out her for a while?"

"You can come in." The door creaked as I slowly opened it, the noise sent a slight shiver down my spine. Upon entering I was welcomed with a pile of soaked clothes scattered across the floor.
"You can put your clothes over there." He pointed towards the radiator near his bed. I walked over and neatly placed my clothes across the heated up radiator. When everything was done I carefully sat down on Troye's bed, I sighed silently and leaned back on the soft mattress.

Troye made his over to the bed, he layed next to me. Silence filled the room and for the first time in a long while I had no idea what to say. I felt the lump in my throat grow every passing minute, Troye didn't seem to care, his eyes were staring at the ceiling and his lips formed the faintest of smiles. I bit down on my lip as I thought of something to say.

"Tyler? I can literally hear you thinking, what's on your mind?"

"It's nothing." We stayed silent after that, however not even a minute later Troye sighed and sat up.

"Is this about earlier? I'm sorry if it was too sudden, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable-"

"It wasn't too sudden, it's quite the opposite actually."

"Then what is it?" I sat up at Troye's question. I turned to face him, his head was tilted to the left and his hair was slightly covering his eyes.

"Could I maybe... kiss you again?" His lips twitched up to form a toothy smile. Instead of answering me he pulled me towards him and connected his lips to mine.

The force of the kiss made me loose my balance, I wrapped my arms around Troye's neck to try and regain some balance. I smiled into the slow paced kiss.

Outside I heard a car door being slammed, I jumped up a little bit and Troye laughed, he tightened his arms around my waist and slowly and gently moved his lips against mine.

"Yeah they're in here, yeah I'll get them!" Sage's voice came from outside and was gradually coming closer towards us. I knew Sage was going to walk in so I pulled away hastily, the door slowly opened and Sage peaked in.

"What is it?" Troye asked, his voice slightly ragged.

"Mum and dad got something for you, but I don't think they're in a hurry to give it so you can continue what I just interrupted, bye!" Sage hurried the last part out and she moved away from the door.
"Be safe!" Sage shouted before closing the door. I laughed and Troye shook his head whilst chuckling softly.

"Come on Ty, let's go before they get suspicious." Troye stood up and offered me his hand, I reached out and he pulled me up.

We made our way down stairs. Tyde was leaning against a wall and his eyes were looking down at his phone, when we got to the bottom of the stairs he looked up and gave me an over exaggerated wink and smile.

"Dad is in the kitchen and mum is in the garden if you're looking for them."

"Thanks Tyde." Tyde smiled back and focused on his screen again.

I followed Troye into the kitchen, whilst he walked over to his dad who was putting groceries into different cupboards I leaned on the door frame and waited. Troye hopped onto a counter and swung his legs.

"Sage said you have something for me, is that true?"

"Nonsense, she must have made that up." Troye groaned as he pushed himself off the counter.

"Come on Ty, let's go back to my room." Troye shyly reached out his hand for me to take, I put my hand in his and he began to pull me away from the kitchen.

"Nice seeing you Shaun!"

"You too Tyler, have fun! Be safe!" Troye laughed next to me and when I understood what he meant I rolled my eyes and laughed as well.

I'm alive! This was such a pain in the ass to write. I've been feeling stressed lately so I haven't been able to do anything productive but it's better now.

I've also been improving my life lately, by that I mean that I started exercising and trying to fix all my schedules and manage my time. I'm feeling like it's working and I might be able to update more often now.

Also! I keep on forgetting to say thank you for over 1k reads! I would have never thought that this would even get a hundred reads!

Love you all!

Stalk me on Twitter

Have a fantastic day my lovelies

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